Drink Will Flow and Blood Will Spill

The Orkut party to end all Orkut parties? Or just another ice-cream social? This saturday, people come from out of town, Orkut crushes will meet in in person, Ray wil make etouffee , and someone almost certainly will wind up with…

The Orkut party to end all Orkut parties? Or just another ice-cream social?

This saturday, people come from out of town, Orkut crushes will meet in in person, Ray wil make etouffee , and someone almost certainly will wind up with his or her head under my kilt.

This could be a really good party. Drink Will Flow, as they say, and Blood Will Spill.

But sometimes it’s all talk. Sometimes you meet up with real people and they’re just — well, real. They don’t have horns. They do not devour virgins (Unless they can find them). They’re not going to be pulling a train or dancing the dirty boogie in nothing but a lamp shade.

I’ve been to both kinds of parties. Some where all the orgiastic talk comes to nothing, and it’s just a few beers and dinner and everyone goes home. Others where people go home crying, or get laid AT THE PARTY. Where hearts are broken and new loves engendered and relationships changed forever.

What’s this one gonna be? I’m not taking bets.

There are people I’m looking forward to meeting. There are people I’m looking forward very much to seeing again. There may be people there who I don’t like, though no one comes to mind. And there are very certainly people who won’t be there who I wish could be.

Ray My Brother, I’m looking forward to it. I didn’t realize how much I missed you ’til you showed up ’round these Orkut parts.

Paul, Laura, you are saintly or brave to host. I was scared to do so, myself.

Rachel, I’ll try not to be GFD. Funny to have that reversed isn’t it?

E-laine and Marie, why ain’t you gonna be there? Pot’s not right without ‘ya. I’ll try to keep Ms. Pants outta trouble though.

Doxy, oh Doxy, what a party it would be with you here. “Is this the right room for an argument?

The body count will be posted in this space afterwards.


Duh. How did I leave GregggggggP out of this list? Drinks to you, buddy. You live too far away, but Ray managed to solve that one this time; you can too.

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