Pardon Me For Being Forward

I know everyone’s already seen this but I just spent half a day trying to remember where so just make sure I have a reference, plus to share it with those who’ve never seen it: Just a note to let you know: I already saw it. That forward? I got it. I’ve gotten it. I […]

I know everyone’s already seen this but I just spent half a day trying to remember where so just make sure I have a reference, plus to share it with those who’ve never seen it:

Just a note to let you know:

I already saw it.

That forward? I got it. I’ve gotten it. I do not wish to keep receiving it. I was neither moved nor inspired. It was neither clever nor funny. I was not amazed at the stupidity of that criminal, nor disgusted, appalled, and chagrined by the United States Government. I do not marvel at how inexpensive things used to be, nor am I astonished that kids today don’t know about things that happened before they were born.

That’s from an Anil Dash piece, Pardon Me For Being Forward. Send it to the next person who sends you something incredibly stupid. But not to me, I’ve already seen it.

Kilt Booth — PantheaCon

Looks like I’m going to be working a Utilikilts booth at an event called “PantheaCon” in San Jose this month. And you know, I’m still trying to figure out what the hell PantheaCon is all about. If you have some idea, hip me to it. It’s a four day event; I don’t yet know which […]

Looks like I’m going to be working a Utilikilts booth at an event called “PantheaCon” in San Jose this month.

And you know, I’m still trying to figure out what the hell PantheaCon is all about. If you have some idea, hip me to it.

It’s a four day event; I don’t yet know which days I’ll be there working, I’m still figuring that out. But if you’re going, talk to me, we’ll meet up at some point (Though I somewhat doubt that anyone who reads my blog is going to this event. I could be wrong, but my gut tells me that’s not my usual audience.)

More details as I get them.

Why Does Windows Still Suck?

Mark Morford of SFGate asks the seemingly obvious question: Why Does Windows Still Suck? / Why do PC users put up with so many viruses and worms? Why isn’t everyone on a Mac?: Here, then, is my big obvious question: Why the hell do people put up with this? Why is there not some massive […]

Mark Morford of SFGate asks the seemingly obvious question:

Why Does Windows Still Suck? / Why do PC users put up with so many viruses and worms? Why isn’t everyone on a Mac?:

Here, then, is my big obvious question: Why the hell do people put up with this? Why is there not some massive revolt, some huge insurrection against Microsoft? Why is there not a huge contingent of furious users stomping up to Seattle with torches and scythes and crowbars, demanding the Windows Frankenstein monster be sacrificed at the altar of decent functionality and an elegant user interface?

I don’t know. If I knew, I could fix it.

Read more “Why Does Windows Still Suck?”

One way tickets

I know, I know. It’s all been links and pictures lately. I need to go all introspective and philosophical. Or write something lascivious about some true-life adventure. Or some pornographic excerpt from a piece I’m working on. Only… Only I’m doing nothing but work, even with my boss out. I got nothing new to talk […]

I know, I know. It’s all been links and pictures lately.

I need to go all introspective and philosophical.

Or write something lascivious about some true-life adventure.

Or some pornographic excerpt from a piece I’m working on.


Only I’m doing nothing but work, even with my boss out. I got nothing new to talk about other than the fucking Amazing Race.

I can’t even say much about the trip I’m trying to get planned to dive the florida keys because I’m not even sure yet that I’m gonna go; I might not be able to swing the time of get things schedules the way I want. I might not be able to fit my agenda in with the realities and limitations of my schedule.

So I got nothin’.

I’m not even really reading much, or watching much TV. Ok, there’s Carnivàle, which fucking rules this season, twice as creepy and not as slow (and oh lord, the scene where the old priest is listening to — well, if you watched it, you know what I mean). But there’s not a damned thing on that I care about other than that.

I need a vacation. I’m starting to get that compressed feeling, where I want to cut and run and get as far from work and home as I can. Like my head’s gonna explode pretty soon if I have to look at another pile of laundry, fix the same software problem or explain the same issue with a tool’s limitatations one more time.

I’m thinking warm breezes and water and rum, no telephones or televisions. A lot of time sleeping in a hammock.

One way tickets. I like the sound of that.

Maybe just a little rape and pillage. To, you know, keep from getting bored.

So deeply wrong

This is so deeply wrong I don’t quite know what to say. It’s a phony VW ad from the UK. The clip takes a while to load. And it’s just… So very wrong. Damned funny though! Edit: Thanks to Stan for clarifying that it’s not really a VW add. Snopes is our friend.

This is so deeply wrong I don’t quite know what to say.


It’s a phony VW ad from the UK. The clip takes a while to load. And it’s just… So very wrong. Damned funny though!

Edit: Thanks to Stan for clarifying that it’s not really a VW add. Snopes is our friend.