The Leap

Sometimes one has to just trust to fate and fling oneself into the void. For some of us, that’s easier. Fall back and trust hands will catch. Close eyes and trust others to lead in the dark. For some of us it’s harder, we think too much. Second guess. We look beyond and under and […]

Sometimes one has to just trust to fate and fling oneself into the void.

For some of us, that’s easier. Fall back and trust hands will catch. Close eyes and trust others to lead in the dark.

For some of us it’s harder, we think too much. Second guess. We look beyond and under and around, we ask, is it right? Is it good? Are people to be trusted?

Who are you, and what do you want from me?

I’m not a great planner. I tend, in general, to be impulsive. I tend to do things on whim. There’s no gratification, I always say, like instant gratification.

But I’m also not one who trusts easily, who does things on faith. Let’s double check that, I say. Are you sure? I second guess and think too much. I question and consider and re-think.

Sometimes one has to just do it. Just go. Just make a leap, and hope for good luck.

Sometimes one has to trust for no reason, do things for love or passion or just because.

It’s not easy. It’s not easy to open. Bare the throat. Drop the shield. All defenses gone, cut the safety line.

Is that freedom? True freedom? I don’t know.

Just once though, I would love to be there. To live in a place and a time and a situation where all the walls drop down and souls are laid bare.

Take my hand. Close your eyes. Jump with me.

Our neighbors are Angels

Kilt Booth, Tattoo Show. Executive summary — not a match made in heaven, at least not this show. We didn’t sell many kilts. I met Jack Rudy, but didn’t wind up getting tattooed.

Kilt Booth, Tattoo Show.

Executive summary — not a match made in heaven, at least not this show. We didn’t sell many kilts. I met Jack Rudy, but didn’t wind up getting tattooed.

Read more “Our neighbors are Angels”

Ink Collecting

I just realized that Jack Rudy, one of the great old-school tattooists on the west coast, is going to be at the Central Coast Tattoo Expo this weekend. So now I have a more specific tattoo goal. I’m not sure that I’d even be able to hook up with him to get inked, it would […]

I just realized that Jack Rudy, one of the great old-school tattooists on the west coast, is going to be at the Central Coast Tattoo Expo this weekend. So now I have a more specific tattoo goal.

I’m not sure that I’d even be able to hook up with him to get inked, it would not surprise me if he’s already fully booked. But for a collector (People who want tattoos from certain big name artists), he’s a big one. He’s one of the pioneers of black and gray prison/cholo type tattoos, a style I don’t have much of but love.

I’ve never been a totally dedicated collector; I have pieces from from well-known artists (Deutsch, Corbin, Mike Malone), have a couple others I would like to get a piece from just to have (Leo Zulueta, Pat Fish, Ed Hardy, a few others). But I don’t go out of my way to get inked by these people. I just sort of figure, I get a chance, I’ll do it.

I ran into Rudy in Amsterdam, one time when I was there as a tourist (sigh — the red light district — sigh), and there just happened to be a tattoo convention in town. It was funny to run into local guys I knew from here on the canals in amsterdam; but I didn’t have time to hook up and get tattooed that day and I generally don’t get tattooed when I don’t have time to rest and let ’em heal a bit. But ever since, I’ve pictured getting something from Rudy. At very least, I hope to get a change to talk to him and see if anything clicks.

I have a feeling that if I ever go to one of these things as a civilian and not when I’m working, I’d wind up getting tattooed more than I planned to. I’m highly suggestible.

Clapton Skull

There’s that skull ring that started me on the quest for a skull ring. The Clapton Skull ring. [ edit ] – I’ve removed the link to the site (serious silver) because they’re criminals and crooks and will steal your money, do NOT order from them [ / edit ] I talked to the makers […]

There’s that skull ring that started me on the quest for a skull ring. The Clapton Skull ring.

[ edit ] – I’ve removed the link to the site (serious silver) because they’re criminals and crooks and will steal your money, do NOT order from them [ / edit ]

I talked to the makers a while back and they said they were out of business, or not taking orders, or something. I forget what. I was bummed.

So then I went on that obsessive hunt for a skull ring. Which lead me to this spectacular piece by Tony Creed, as well as a lot of other rings I want eventually.

But I was still bummed. That Clapton ring was pretty special — it looked like an actual skull, which was really unique. Maybe not as rock n’ roll as the rings from CrazyPig, sure, not as arty as the 8-ball skull (FateBall, I think they called it), and nowhere near the raw energy and nuttiness of Tony Creed.

And then, what do you know, I get mail from Lionrhod at Serious(asshole), and they’re not out of business at all. They had some sort of production or other business problems, I never got the details, but they’re taking orders again.

So I put my money down.

Now, they were not quick. It took about three weeks longer than I expected; I think they’re still having some trouble with production. But I got my ring tonight, and damn, is it pretty.

Clapton Skull-1

Now, it’s not my Tony Creed ring. I mean, Elvis Lives, baby. That’s made special, just for me. No ring will replace it. I can’t even say I’ll wear this one every day, it’s really heavy. But I’m pretty fucking pleased.

And I still want more. But then, I’m all about wanting more. Ask around.

Central Coast Tattoo Expo

So I’m going to my first tattoo convention ever. A funny idea, considering I have tattoos older than some of the people likely to be tattooing there. Time was I kept meaning to go to these things and never got around to it, then later, I just didn’t feel the call. There are better places […]

So I’m going to my first tattoo convention ever. A funny idea, considering I have tattoos older than some of the people likely to be tattooing there. Time was I kept meaning to go to these things and never got around to it, then later, I just didn’t feel the call. There are better places to get tattooed, there are plenty of times you can meet cool artists.

Funnier still given that a crucial scene in my novella, Wanton, takes place at a tattoo convention.

Anyway, as noted before, I’m working the Utilikilts booth this weekend, March 5th/6th, at Central Coast Tattoo Expo. It’s going to be a different scene; we’re open late, I’m used to early morning to early afternoon for these deals. This one goes lunchtime to almost midnight, so I can see it’s going to be some work. But it will be interesting. Utilikilts have never had a booth at a tattoo show before.

We’re going to be there both days, Saturday all damned day and then sunday it looks like 10:30 to 6pm.

Half of me is totally looking forward to this. This other half would like to be sleeping the whole weekend. God knows I could use the sleep.

But I do have one goal; I’d like to get a tattoo while I’m there. I’m not sure I’ll be able to do it, it depends on who’s working where, who’s free, who can do what I have in mind. But I want a number 13. The reason I might not be able to get it is that if I get it where I want it, on my hand, I won’t be able to do that until the end of the show. I can’t fit kilts all day with a fresh tattoo on my hand, I’ll fuck it up. We’ll see though; I might not have time, I might not hit the right artist, and I might change my mind about what/where. I just have this image in my mind that I can’t shake, of the number 13 on my hand.

Not that I can’t come up with other ideas. Plenty of them.

In any case, I’m hoping for some good stories about this booth.