NOt so much because I care how many hits I’m getting, though that’s vaguely interesting. But because it’s interesting, educational, and sometimes amusing to see what search terms I get hits from.Spanking Art is a huge one.
So I check my sitemeter all the time. Not so much because I care how many hits I’m getting, though that’s vaguely interesting. But because it’s interesting, educational, and sometimes amusing to see what search terms I get hits from.
Spanking Art is a huge one. Hits on that many times every day. Live Wrong gets me a lot of them too. Erototoxins did for a spell but not so much any more.
I got a couple, a while back, on Spanking Policeman which got me laughing. No idea why that hit me. I get tons from searches on Skull Ring and quite a few from related searches, Crazy Pig and Tony Creed.
I get tons of hits from Tattoo and Kilt searches. I’m staring to get some for Hold Fast.
You know, the stuff I talk about.
But today I got one that simply delighted me.
Fuck Me So Hard It Hurts, the search was on.
Who are you, oh AOL user who found me that way? Did you find what you’re looking for? I can’t tell, since it was an AOL search and I can’t see the results page.
But I must say, there’s nothing anyone can say to me that will delight me as much as that phrase. Well, I can think of a few things, from a few people, mostly involving the word “yes“, but aside from that, Fuck Me So Hard It Hurts is music to my sick, twisted ears.
C’mon. Say it to me again.