Laugh at the weather gods

Ok, so last weekend I took the top off my jeep. I know what this means.

Ok, so last weekend I took the top off my jeep.

I know what this means. Every time I take it off early, in April, the rains come back soon as the top’s off.

Every. Damned. Time.

I did it anyway.

So then today I added a scoff; I rode my bike and talked about how nice a day it was. So of course, it’s about to rain and me without my foul-weather riding gear.

Remind me next year, ok? Top on until may.

Who’s with me?

I rode to work this morning on my big green Triumph, and had the best morning I’ve had in a couple of weeks. Coffee in my veins, sunshine and the smell of spring, almost summer.

It’s too fucking nice today in sunny Silicon Valley to be at work. My third-floor office (Yes, office, I’m no cubical-dweller) window mocks me with this fact.

I rode to work this morning on my big green Triumph, and had the best morning I’ve had in a couple of weeks. Coffee in my veins, sunshine and the smell of spring, almost summer.

Oh, to keep going. I took the long way to work just because it’s so nice, so beautiful. I wanted to keep going, just ride, just go and go. Ride west, to the sea, and then turn south.

Or find some tramp steamer, ride aboard, work my way across the ocean, and ride off someplace with palm trees and warm beaches.

The horizon calls me. The road calls me.


Who’s with me?