You know, I didn’t hear a single peep about april fool’s day this year. Its like our entire culture forgot the custom this year – or conversely, it’s like I just had my head so far down that I managed to miss the entire thing. I don’t know which it was. I remember years back, […]
You know, I didn’t hear a single peep about april fool’s day this year. Its like our entire culture forgot the custom this year – or conversely, it’s like I just had my head so far down that I managed to miss the entire thing.
I don’t know which it was.
I remember years back, working for Sun Micro, when April First was the high point of our corporate year. Each year a bizarre prank would be played on Sun’s top execs, from car-in-pond to pond-in-office to office-in-pond. Brilliant, elaborate pranks, like getting Bill Joy’s new fararri onto a platform in the middle of a pond, or wiring a full, working office in the middle of that same pond for Eric Schmidt – he had to be ferried out in a row-boat, but once there was able to answer email and make phone calls. They’d strung power and ethernet under the water so it came up through the floor of the platform.
There was many of these over the years, and it’s one of the reasons I loved working at sun, though eventually, as always happens with big corporations, the fun got sucked out of the culture and the pranks stopped.
So what happened? Were they brilliant pranks I just missed? Or am I right in my assessment that the pranksters seemed to have taken a holiday this year?