Swiped from Damn Jezebel 1. If you could be doing what you really want to be doing for a living, what would it be? Piracy on the high seas. Or at least being a dive master in some beautiful place. 2. If you could slap the shit out of any famous person, alive or dead, […]
Swiped from Damn Jezebel
1. If you could be doing what you really want to be doing for a living, what would it be?
Piracy on the high seas. Or at least being a dive master in some beautiful place.
2. If you could slap the shit out of any famous person, alive or dead, who would it be?
Disney management. Steven Speilberg. Network programmers. Stupid people who are in power.
3. What’s the dumbest decision you’ve made in the past 5 years?
Christ. One? There’ve been so many.
4. Give up one for a year: (good) sex or (good) music.
Music. That answer comes easily, yet I second guess it.
5. Dudes, would you rather have a big dick or a great sense of humor?
You mean I have to give up one?
6. So you’ve been invited to an all expense paid Blogger Prom in The Bahamas. You’re sitting at the bar on the beach. Which blogger do you want to join you for hours of good convo?
Um. Hell. Just for talk? I’m thinking Ray then. Because we all know he’s all talk.
7. Which blogger would you most like to cuddle with on the beach? (and don’t defer to your current signif other either. Infidelity won’t count against you. Duh.)
No matter how I answer this, someone’s getting hurt feelings.
8. You’re going on a 5 hour road trip: which 5 CDs do you bring?
Miles – Kind of Blue. King Crimson – one of the collections, I don’t know which one. Genesis – Lamb Lies Down on Broadway. Matthew Sweet – Altered Beast. XTC – Black Sea or English Settlement. Right this second. Tomorrow you’d get a different list.
9. Would you rather bury your children young or have your children bury you young?
I don’t wan to bury them, they’ll just keep squirming back out.
10. What’s your biggest insecurity?
Admitting my insecurities.
11.What’s the first blog you read every day, or however often you read them?
12. When’s the last time you peed your pants?
13. Which was better, your first kiss or your first pay check?
My first paycheck. Though I’ve had some kisses since that beat any paycheck.
14. Do you have kids? Want kids?
Yes, and no. You can have them.
15. You get dropped off at home after the office holiday party by your bitch azz boss that you can’t effing stand… you exit the car and he peels out, runs a red light at your corner and rolls up an unsuspecting midget. The next day the midget watch groups are on TV outraged at the heartless hit and run, and are calling for any witnesses to please come fwd: that half dead midget has a family at home waiting on C-mas presents. Would you take $1000 hush money? $500? $100? A six pack?
No, but Bridget the Midget could give me something to keep me quiet.
16. Live the rest of your life without your eyebrows or your fingernails?
Who needs eyebrows?
17. What makes you angry?
Lies. Stupidity. Willfull ignorance.
18. What makes you horny?
All y’all.
19. What makes you nervous?
Having you read over my shoulder. GET THE FUCK AWAY.
20. What makes you smile?
A friendly voice. A friend’s name in my email. A hug. Bloggers who dream about me.