Skin Stories, a brilliant film by Emiko Omori and Lisa Altieri-Sosa, is finally available on DVD. This is a video I’ve talked about before, an in-depth exploration of tattooing in the south pacific, with a particular focus on tattooing in New Zealand’s Maori culture. It’s the best film i’ve ever seen on tattooing, largely because […]
Skin Stories, a brilliant film by Emiko Omori and Lisa Altieri-Sosa, is finally available on DVD. This is a video I’ve talked about before, an in-depth exploration of tattooing in the south pacific, with a particular focus on tattooing in New Zealand’s Maori culture. It’s the best film i’ve ever seen on tattooing, largely because it eschews the usual focus on the outrageous (‘look at these crazy people who tattoo their faces!’) and simply tells the story in the voices of people who wear tattoos.
I’ve been waiting for this to come out on DVD for two years; both because I wanted to own it, and because there’s an image in it that I need to take to my tattooist so we can begin work on my backpiece.
It’s a bit on the pricey side; it’s coming from hawaii, and it’s not something that’s going to sell thousands of units, so I forgive them. But for those who’ve been waiting to get hold of this (that may be only me), it’s about damned time.