Someone in my group got disappeared today. It’s one of those corporate moments that just freaks ‘ya out, you know? Friday you’re talkin’ to a guy about a project you’re working on, monday he’s mysteriously out of work and your boss is saying you might need to handle that. And then they start with the […]
Someone in my group got disappeared today.
It’s one of those corporate moments that just freaks ‘ya out, you know? Friday you’re talkin’ to a guy about a project you’re working on, monday he’s mysteriously out of work and your boss is saying you might need to handle that.
And then they start with the euphemisms about won’t be here. No one uses the word fired.
And no one seems to know why. The ones who know don’t say; they can’t.
And we all look over our shoulders, and then at the train headed our way, carrying a shitload of work that someone else was doing; work no one else knows how to do.
That train has my name on it.
Maybe a bullet’s a better metaphor; because it’s that jumpy feeling you get, like there are cross-hairs trained on your back. You don’t know when it’s coming, but you know sooner or later it will.
Well, the coworker in question didn’t get disappeared; there’s still the romulan cloaking device over what exactly happened, but evidently he was asked to leave, though evidently he expected it, and it wasn’t over anything beyond work performance. He was at work today clearing out his office and answering questions while waiting for his goodbye check. Fortunately he’s a good guy and was willing to spend a lot of hours doing a brain dump for those of us who have to clean up after.
However, what this all means for me (because it’s all about me, and don’t you fucking forget it) is that all the shit he’s been doing but not documenting for nearly two decades is now mine and all the schedules that he’s months behind on, also, are now my slipped deadlines.
The light at the end of the tunnel? C’mon say it with me – is a train. And it’s pickin’ up speed.