Me, shooting in Half Moon Bay, CA, Nov 1. This pic was shot with an iPhone 4s, actual photos from the shoot may get posted later when I get time to cull.
Day: January 8, 2013
skull ring links back in place
Ok, it’s been way too long since I’ve been able to give link-love to my skull ring frineds – sorry guys, life has a way of giving us lemons, right?
I’ve finally started to get ’em in place again.
I can’t change the sort order, so it’s in the default alpha sort.
There are some still missing, I have to delve into the archives to get ’em all out, but if you see hits, let me know.
Again, apologies for dropping ’em, when I cut over to wordpress, thats’ one of the design elements that didn’t port.
More on this later, I have some new silver to post pix of.
Here are the ones I have live: