24 and deadringer

My deadringer classic ring just shipped, or so they tell me. So I should have it soon. I’m not sure HOW SOON since it’s coming all the way from New Zealand (Carried by hobbits, I should think), but soon. In other news, after many, many people told me I should, I finally went and watched […]

My deadringer classic ring just shipped, or so they tell me. So I should have it soon. I’m not sure HOW SOON since it’s coming all the way from New Zealand (Carried by hobbits, I should think), but soon.

In other news, after many, many people told me I should, I finally went and watched 24. And – how’d you put it, Chelse? It’s like crack in teevee form, or something like that. And so it is. I just watched the two hour opening episode of this here current season, and wow, does this start off with a bang or what?

I don’t even know if it’s good. But I know I crave more. More. MORE.

I fear a monster has been created.

Stop me before I add all four seasons to my netflix queue.

4 thoughts on “24 and deadringer”

  1. stop…
    you’ll regret it…
    bad things will happen…

    Not really. That good? I’ve avoided being sucked into the TV monster again.

  2. Oh, yes, KtotheE, come over to the dark side.

    Soon you too will be enjoying endless save-the-world-and-the-kittens nightmares and be seeing things in the metaphor of global thermonueclear war.

    President Palmer lives!

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