
Satin Slippers – one of the net’s best erotic sites, is (temporarily we hope) off line. I’m trying to get details from the People Who Know about if/when it will come back. This is the site where my stories (Wanton, Man with the Bag, etc) were hosted, though I’ve got ’em here now.

Satin Slippers – one of the net’s best erotic sites, is (temporarily we hope) off line. I’m trying to get details from the People Who Know about if/when it will come back.

This is the site where my stories (Wanton, Man with the Bag, etc) were hosted, though I’ve got ’em here now.


You know, not that many people watched Rock Star INXS, and there seems to be a negative critical buzz around it. But anyone who watched and wasn’t caught up simply missed the point. Sure, it’s teevee, it’s a game show of sorts, so it’s a little silly and very contrived. It has to be in […]

You know, not that many people watched Rock Star INXS, and there seems to be a negative critical buzz around it. But anyone who watched and wasn’t caught up simply missed the point.

Sure, it’s teevee, it’s a game show of sorts, so it’s a little silly and very contrived. It has to be in order to make something like this work. But the core of it is that this guys who called themselves INXS lost a lead singer in a weird and tragic way, but they’re not done yet. They’re not done being a band. They’re not done making music or performing.

Lots of bands have faced this – Van Halen, Queen, Judas Priest, oh hell, dozens. And almost always they wind up with some celebrity who doesn’t really fit.

Ok. It smacks of sellout. But how are you going to find your right guy, and get your audience to accept him, and get them to care?

I watched the show expecting to hate it, hating the idea. And yet it caught me up – party because INXS themselves are such likable guys. I got to care about them and their search as much as about the contestants in this game show. I wanted them to find the guy who’d give them back their identity as a band.

I saw INXS tonight in Oakland, and once again, it’s clear they’ve found the guy they were looking for. I honestly can’t say that they were any better with ol’ Michael Hutchence. The guy they found, against all odds, is as perfect for the role as anyone could possibly be.

JD’s a superior frontman, one of those guys who’s made to be on stage. He’s got the look, they style, the sound, the charisma. He’s got the voice, and sounds incredibly good singing the band’s old hits. He sounds as good to my ear as Hutchence ever did, and is as dynamic a performer.

The thing that makes it work though, more than anything else, is seeing how dammed happy these guys look. Not just JD, who’s about as lucky a guy as you’re gonna find, but the rest of the band, who not only found a singer and jump-started a career, but who are back to being a band again. You can tell how much it means to these guys.

It was a good show. I’ve never been a giant INXS fan, so these songs don’t have a huge emotional resonance for me. But having watched the re-birth of this band in that curiously voyeuristic way, I have come to care and root for them the way you do for a friend’s band. It’s that sort of pride when you see them do well, that absurd personalizing of something.

All I can say it, they put on a good show anyway, but if you watched Rock Star INXS, go see ’em live.

24 and deadringer

My deadringer classic ring just shipped, or so they tell me. So I should have it soon. I’m not sure HOW SOON since it’s coming all the way from New Zealand (Carried by hobbits, I should think), but soon. In other news, after many, many people told me I should, I finally went and watched […]

My deadringer classic ring just shipped, or so they tell me. So I should have it soon. I’m not sure HOW SOON since it’s coming all the way from New Zealand (Carried by hobbits, I should think), but soon.

In other news, after many, many people told me I should, I finally went and watched 24. And – how’d you put it, Chelse? It’s like crack in teevee form, or something like that. And so it is. I just watched the two hour opening episode of this here current season, and wow, does this start off with a bang or what?

I don’t even know if it’s good. But I know I crave more. More. MORE.

I fear a monster has been created.

Stop me before I add all four seasons to my netflix queue.

Need help from you New York types

Ok, I need some reference. Anyone out there ever been in the Village Vanguard in NYC? I’m working on something – a jazz-flavored piece set in around 1960, 1961. But I need some reference for what the area of NY is like, and what the club looks like inside. I’m just trying to fill in […]

Ok, I need some reference.

Anyone out there ever been in the Village Vanguard in NYC?

I’m working on something – a jazz-flavored piece set in around 1960, 1961. But I need some reference for what the area of NY is like, and what the club looks like inside. I’m just trying to fill in the scene in my head, the specific details don’t matter so much as background texture.


(It’s either that or make this shit up. Which I can do…)

Half-Nekkid Gunslinger

Yep. That’s me, on a family beach trip to Capitola, CA. I’m guessing, 1968-ish. Maybe ’69. Then, like now, always playin’ with my gun. Actually in the original photo I was entirely nekkid but I’m not puttin’ that photo here un-cropped. (Happy HNT)

Yep. That’s me, on a family beach trip to Capitola, CA. I’m guessing, 1968-ish. Maybe ’69. Then, like now, always playin’ with my gun.


Actually in the original photo I was entirely nekkid but I’m not puttin’ that photo here un-cropped.

(Happy HNT)

One of my little episodes

I think I’ve said this before but I seem to have hit one of those phases where I can’t seem to communicate. I stop sending email, I don’t call, I don’t always respond to IM. I’m suddenly not stunningly clever and seductive. It’s funny, I crave contact when I get like this, but I seem […]

I think I’ve said this before but I seem to have hit one of those phases where I can’t seem to communicate. I stop sending email, I don’t call, I don’t always respond to IM. I’m suddenly not stunningly clever and seductive.

It’s funny, I crave contact when I get like this, but I seem unable to maintain a conversation and don’t reach out. It seems to be a periodic phase. Sometimes I stop blogging as well, but honestly sometimes these phases lead to more writing so I try not to fight it.

I just lose the ability to stay in contact from time to time.

There’s no pleasing me, Batman.

The final conclusion – up front, newspaper style: When it comes to Batman on film, there’s no pleasing me. I finally got around to watching Batman Begins, after hearing over and over, from everyone from Olivia to the video store clerk what a great film it is. I can’t say it sucked. I really didn’t […]

The final conclusion – up front, newspaper style: When it comes to Batman on film, there’s no pleasing me.

I finally got around to watching Batman Begins, after hearing over and over, from everyone from Olivia to the video store clerk what a great film it is.

I can’t say it sucked. I really didn’t suck. But it sure didn’t rule either.

Read more “There’s no pleasing me, Batman.”


Do you have feelings of inadequacy? Do you suffer from shyness? Do you sometimes wish you were more assertive? If you answered yes to any of these questions, ask your doctor or pharmacist about Tequila®. Tequila® is the safe, natural way to feel better and more confident about yourself and your actions. Tequila® can help […]

Do you have feelings of inadequacy? Do you suffer from shyness? Do you sometimes wish you were more assertive?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, ask your doctor or pharmacist about Tequila®.

Tequila® is the safe, natural way to feel better and more confident about yourself and your actions. Tequila® can help ease you out of your shyness and let you tell the world that you’re ready and willing to do just about anything.

You will notice the benefits of Tequila® almost immediately, and with a regimen of regular doses you can overcome any obstacles that prevent you from living the life you want to live.

Shyness and awkwardness will be a thing of the past, and you will discover many talents you never knew you had. Stop hiding and start living, with Tequila®.

Tequila® may not be right for everyone. Women who are pregnant or nursing should not use Tequila®. However, women who wouldn’t mind nursing or becoming pregnant are encouraged to try it.

Side effects may include dizziness, nausea, vomiting, incarceration, erotic lustfulness, loss of motor control, loss of clothing, loss of money, loss of virginity, delusions of grandeur, table dancing, headache, dehydration, dry mouth, and a desire to sing Karaoke and play all-night rounds of Strip Poker, Truth Or Dare, and Naked Twister.

(I don’t know WHERE this comes from originally, but it rocks – props all the people who sent it my way)