Can’t get my blog on

I have all sorts of shit I want to blog about. A movie I watched saturday (awful!), doing kid-stuff with my kids (simple pleasures), cooking, a book I just finished (very good).

I have all sorts of shit I want to blog about. A movie I watched saturday (awful!), doing kid-stuff with my kids (simple pleasures), cooking, a book I just finished (very good). Another movie I watched last night (funny, and deeply odd).

But I just — can’t. I’m feeling too low, too frustrated, too spent. I just can’t find the words.

I was trying to comment on a friend’s blog last night, and I couldn’t even find the words for that, just stared at the gray background with my fingers on the keys and had — nothing.

I’m again struggling with the urge to take it all down, or archive it all and start over.

Slice of Cake

So when exacly did Cake change their name to Weezer?Because you know, I thought Weezer were that band who did Hash Pipe and Sweater.


So when exacly did Cake change their name to Weezer?

Because you know, I thought Weezer were that band who did Hash Pipe and Sweater. But clearly, if you listen to that clip, they’re the band that did Short Skirt, Long Jacket and Never There.


But you should check out a damned fine mashup based on said song.

I’ll say it again. Me love Mashuptown.

Comcast 1, SBC 0

So the Comcast installer-guy showed up right smack in teh middle of the assigned window, and it was a two hour window, so that ain’t bad. Points so far.

So the Comcast installer-guy showed up right smack in the middle of the assigned window, and it was a two hour window, so that ain’t bad. Points so far.

And yeah, no problem, I can tap into the cable line I already have so I don’t have to run a whole new line under the house — a big pain, the way my house is laid out.

Only — oops. The cable line in the bedroom? Totally non-functional. God knows how long ago that went south, I don’t think I’ve used that TV in a year.

So a quick plug, configure and go is now starting to look like an all-day job for this guy.

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Weed Sucker

(06-21) 13:15 PDT ATLANTA, (AP) –Marijuana-flavored lollipops with names such as Purple Haze, Acapulco Gold and Rasta are showing up on the shelves of convenience stores around the country, angering anti-drug advocates.”It’s nothing but dope candy, and that’s nothing we need to be training our children to do,” said Georgia state Sen. Vincent Fort, who has persuaded some convenience stores to stop selling the treats.The confections are legal, because they are made with hemp oil, a common ingredient in health food, beauty supplies and other household products.

(06-21) 13:15 PDT ATLANTA, (AP) —
Marijuana-flavored lollipops with names such as Purple Haze, Acapulco Gold and Rasta are showing up on the shelves of convenience stores around the country, angering anti-drug advocates.

“It’s nothing but dope candy, and that’s nothing we need to be training our children to do,” said Georgia state Sen. Vincent Fort, who has persuaded some convenience stores to stop selling the treats.

The confections are legal, because they are made with hemp oil, a common ingredient in health food, beauty supplies and other household products. The oil imparts a marijuana’s grassy taste but not the high.

(Continue reading this story)

They’re talking about Chronic Candy (I’m sorry, that’s a stupid fucking flash site. You know who uses flash? Fucking morons use flash.)

I gotta say — as an old ex stoner, I think this is pretty entertaining. I mean, take me back to the old days when I smoked that shit by the bagfull. Dude — whoa.

But as a parent? Honestly, I’m more worried about the fact that it’s candy. Candy does more harm than fuckin’ pot does.

Fuck You SBC

For some reason I can’t completely put a finger on, I feel angry, and sad, and frustrated this morning.


Sometimes things just stun me.

So today, I am working from home. Because I’m in a horrible mood to start with and figuring, better to stay away from people. People suck. I hate people today.

And suddenly, my DSL line drops out. The lights are all on, everything looks ok, but no connection.

No big deal, I think, it drops out and comes back all the time. It’s a constant low-grade irritation, but I can live with it.

Only it does not come back. And I wait. And it does not come back.

I go through the usual debugging routine. I check all the connections, two and three times. I power-cycle everything. Then I start stripping it down. I pull out the wireless stuff, then I pull out the VPN box that lets me connect to work without having to run performance-degrading VPN software. So I’m down to just my DSL router, and a cat5 straight into my laptop.

Nothing. Bupkis. nil, nix, nada, null, goose egg, naught, zilch, zip. Bugger all, fuck all, Sweet Fanny Adams.

Fuck me I say, out loud.

So I get on the phone to SBC, who I will always think of as Pac Bell. Of course, I have to call 411 to get a number, and of course I get on hold where they tell me over and over how I can go to the fucking web site to get help, where I would already fucking be if my fucking DSL was working.

But, you know, I’m not pissed yet.

Read more “Fuck You SBC”

Howl and Father’s Day

So the short review of Howl’s Moving Castle.As Miyazaki goes, don’t expect Spirited Away or Princess Mononoke…. Sweeping vistas, skies that glow with life, inventive creatures, motion that’s not like any other animator.

So the short review of Howl’s Moving Castle.

As Miyazaki goes, don’t expect Spirited Away or Princess Mononoke. It’s not even close to the magic of those films.

But as films go — well, it’s still Miyazaki. And he’s fucking brilliant.

As always, it’s beautiful. Sweeping vistas, skies that glow with life, inventive creatures, motion that’s not like any other animator. It’s inventive and clever.

Unlike the other films, though, there are plot and pacing issues. The plot makes little sense, and the title character never really makes any sense, vain, shallow and cowardly one moment, brave and honorable the next. We never really see any reason for anyone to love him, yet love is supposed to be the motivation for much of the plot. It’s a muddle, but a light-weight one. There are also moments that drag, where characters are talking to each other without it seeming very relevant.

There’s plenty to like though; the main character, a girl names Sofi who’s under a curse that turns her into an old woman, seems to change ages continually throughout the film in a deeply surreal way; this wasn’t an accident, I think Miyazaki is saying something with it, but I couldn’t quite crack the code. The voice acting is low key, with good turns by Lauren Bacall, Blythe Danner and Jean Simmons, though Christian Bale is entirely too manly as Howl.

Unexpectedly, Billy Crystal’s vocal performance as Calcifer, a fire demon, was wonderful. Usually when they put someone funny in a part like this, it screws up the character, as with Phil Hartman doing the cat in Kiki. Here, for some reason, Crystal’s performance makes it work.

It’s well worth seeing; I’m hoping the weaknesses were due to it being a story from outside source, not due to any slippage of Miyazaki’s talent.

My father’s day was pretty much uneventful. No one fought, no one cried. The kids and I went to the Winchester Mystery House, a place that seems to have endless entertainment value for Olivia, and then I took off and had a little time to myself while the family made me dinner. Not exactly the plan I had in my mind’s eye for the afternoon, but you take what you can get, and peace is not a bad description for a day. Later, I’ll pour a scotch and watch Six Feet Under, and then I’m thinking good thoughts about sleep, something that’s been in short supply lately.

[ of course after I wrote that, I realized that they’ve moved six feet under to a different night, so I had to content myself with old Monty Python episodes, but you know there’s still sleep to look forward to… ]

Skin Again

Just an update on this – I wrote about it back in October of 2004; Shelly Jackson’s ‘Skin’I finally heard back from Ms. Jackson, albeit in a form letter.


Just an update on this – I wrote about it back in October of 2004; Shelly Jackson’s ‘Skin

I finally heard back from Ms. Jackson, albeit in a form letter. Evidently the response has been overwhelming, she’s got thousands of applicants for only a few hundred words.

I still don’t know if I’m giving up a piece of skin for this work; she says she’ll be sending out release forms for the remaining words within the next couple of months. My fingers are crossed. It’s the sort of pointless art-for-art’s-sake thing I love, and you know, I have plenty of skin to spare so far.

This thing has made me think about what words I would choose, if given a choice; say, a single word to represent me, or to represent my life, or my goals. I don’t have any idea what it would be, but I’m thinking.

I was looking at a tattoo in some tattooist’s book back in March when I got my H O L D – F A S T tattoo; and I had to wonder at the time if it was for skin. It said:


Which was an incredibly evocative thing, and something I held in my head for days afterwards.

I love word tattoos. I truly hope I wind up getting to participate in Ms Jackson’s project.

Pass the Badger

I just corrupted a young mind with the evil hypnotic badger badger badger…. So I tried, at lunch today to explain badger badger badger and simply could not.

I just corrupted a young mind with the evil hypnotic badger badger badger. Olivia always asks why I say “Oh, it’s a snake” whenever she says anything about snakes.

So I tried, at lunch today to explain badger badger badger and simply could not. So tonight, I played it for her.

Now, she’s wandering around the house saying “Mushroom, mushroom!” and “It’s a snake, ohh, it’s a snake!”

My work here is done. At least until I give her Bananna Phone.

Thanks, Brutha Ray. I’m needin’ a fresh book. You just sent me the one. Favor back at you, now that I have your mailing address!


You know, if you’re not watching Penn & Teller’s BULLSHIT!, you need to be. This is both some of the best entertainment, and some of the best information on teevee.

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You know, if you’re not watching Penn & Teller’s BULLSHIT!, you need to be.

This is both some of the best entertainment, and some of the best information on teevee.

Not every episode is brilliant. Sometimes they work a little hard to convince us that something is crap, particularly in the more recent episodes. But damn, some of these, like the one I watched tonight about Talkingt to the Dead, are simply fantastic, skewering things that simply scream out to be skewered.

Set your TiVos. But save up a few, I always want to watch two or three in a row. One bullshit isn’t enough.

Pardon my typos. There was a bottle of Toasted Head involved. I love you though. Really.