
This isn’t as great a mashup as some that I’ve linked to lately, but I absolutely love Black Betty so I gotten give it a nod. Whoa Black Betty, Bam-A-Lam!Gotta Make Betty Sweat!

This isn’t as great a mashup as some that I’ve linked to lately, but I absolutely love Black Betty so I gotten give it a nod.

Whoa Black Betty, Bam-A-Lam!

Gotta Make Betty Sweat!

Also thanks to m’man at Mashuptown for pointing a link my way last week. Thanks brutha!

Why can’t I write a fucking blowjob?

You know, I can write a lot of things pretty easily…. I can write about cunnilingus, I can write a tender, loving, gentle scene full of love and caring.

You know, I can write a lot of things pretty easily. A sex scene, a fight, dialog. I can write about cunnilingus, I can write a tender, loving, gentle scene full of love and caring. I can write a violent non-consent scene.

You know, I don’t have much trouble with any of that.

But I can’t seem to write a fucking blowjob. I’ve been working on something for a week now, and I just can’t seen to get past one damned blowjob.

It’s a mystery, I tell ya.

Balls Out

A one minute google exercise didn’t turn up the origin of the phrase ‘balls out’. But we all know what it means; full bore, full throttle, maximum speed, turned to 11..

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A one minute google exercise didn’t turn up a definitive origin of the phrase ‘balls out’. But we all know what it means; full bore, full throttle, maximum speed, turned to 11.

So the origin isn’t particularly important.

What is important is that it’s how I generally do things. The usual quote goes “I have two speeds, all the way on, and all the way off.” I see speed limits as optional, and fundamentally think they’re a bad idea. I don’t like limits. I don’t like rules. I don’t do things a little bit.

I dive deep. I drink hard. I like to push it ’til it breaks, I like to go ’til it hurts.

Again though, that’s not the point. That’s background data. I don’t drive slow. Ever. Today though, I did something I’ve never done before.

I was late for work. We had the big WWDC announcement, and my project was on deck. I wanted to be in the room at work when the announcement played, wanted to hear the reaction of people around me. So even more than usual, I was in a rush to get out.

I took the doors off my jeep this weekend. The top came off a couple weeks back. I like it best with the doors off; I like the hairy-edge, imminent danger feeling. The road rushing by. Air swirling around me.

I’m wearing a kilt today. Camo UK. It’s pretty windy here today in northern california.

Until now, I’ve never done these two things together. Doors off, kilt on.

So I came roaring out of my driveway and blasted up my street to the main road, and I did it my usual way, balls out, knobby tires humming and screeching. Full blast up the street, with a wicked cross-wind.

And the phrase balls out became quite literally true. The kilt blow all the way up, all the way open.

It took a lot of careful tucking to get the kilt under control since of course, I didn’t slow down. Alas, no schoolgirls were flashed, I don’t pass a school on the way to work. But I tell you, it may be a sunny day, but christ on a crutch, my balls were cold when I got to work.

I’ll have to think about an alternate closure system. I don’t mind flashing, but indeed, I prefer to control it.

It’s True

It’s been an interesting couple months since I found out – I’m one of very few people who knew this. Now, the people I work with know and it’s like a shockwave around the campus.

Yeah, it’s true. Those of you watching the news knew it friday. Apple on Intel.

It’s been an interesting couple months since I found out – I’m one of very few people who knew this. Now, the people I work with know and it’s like a shockwave around the campus.

Gonna be interesting…

I Want It Now, Muthafucka

I am now officially in love with Nina Gordon.Nina Gordon, late of Veruca Salt, has recorded a mind-blowing cover of NWA’s Straight Outta Compton, in the style of a Baezesque guitar folksinger.

I am now officially in love with Nina Gordon.

Nina Gordon, late of Veruca Salt, has recorded a mind-blowing cover of NWA’s Straight Outta Compton, in the style of a Baezesque guitar folksinger. It’s funny at first, then it’s beautiful, then it’s both.
–Cory on BoingBoing

Get Nina’s Straight Outta Compton.

Any day now, Any day now now

The super-duper-seekrit project I’ve been working on the last couple months get announced next week. I’m waiting to see if that means my life gets quieter, or if that means we’ve just been in teh forplay phase and are about to get down for some long hard fucking.

Any day now,
Any day, now now

Unplug future plans;
Finger-paint the sun on you,
Shake your bag o’bones,
Shake your bag o’bones,
Mend your missing links,
I think trust should be the glue,
Shake your bag o’bones,
Shake your bag o’bones,

     -XTC, Nearly Africa

A rare work-related entry. I’m sorry, I promise I’ll post something really dirty real soon now.

The super-duper-seekrit project I’ve been working on the last couple months gets announced next week. Then I can finally tell you about it.

I’m waiting to see if that means my life gets quieter, or if that means we’ve just been in the foreplay phase and are about to get down for some long hard fucking.

Wait, I distracted myself with that metaphor.

Anyway it’s that waiting-on-the-edge feeling that gets me. Knowing something’s about to happen and not knowing what. I’m comfortable dealing that feeling to someone else; close you eyes and wait for it. But you blindfold me, I’ll always try to peek.

I do not, as a rule, wait well.

Things at work are tense, and confused. They’re also exciting and dynamic. Things are happening, changing. I like the chaos; I like the change. I thrive on these things. But I have a feeling my job’s going to be very different very soon.

It’s the waiting. It’s the not knowing.

a short review

I’m not gonna devote a lot of space to this, but I saw ‘Revenge of the Sith’ last night…. 1977, I went to see star wars over and over and over.

I’m not gonna devote a lot of space to this, but I saw ‘Revenge of the Sith’ last night.

Background — I’m not what you’d call a huge star wars fan. But I was when the original came out. 1977, I went to see star wars over and over and over. Best movie I’d ever seen, at the time.

But honestly, in a lot of ways I wish they’d just made the one. While the second was well done, and built the mythos, the third was weak, and as a whole, they are just not as cool as that simple first film.

So when Lucas announced he was making a new trilogy, I was vaguely excited, but fearful.

The first new film — Jar Jar. Need I say more? Technical without really looking that good, and aside from some great casting, not a good film.

I skipped ‘clones’ completely. The name was stupid, the previews were bad. I just wasn’t interested. I’ll go rent it eventually.

So when the previews for ‘sith’ looked good, I was surprised that I wanted to see it. I started to remember how much I loved the original.

I felt a sense of great nostalgia last night when I walked in, seeing kids in the front row. I remembered how I had to — had to be in the front row, or I would leave and wait for the next showing. I’ll never forget that first moment when the first ships enter the frame, like something direct from my teenage daydreams and fantasies. I’ll never forget how I felt watching the storm troopers and Vader enter the scene.

So I’m ready to cut ‘sith’ a lot of slack.

Executive Summary — I enjoyed the hell out of it, and if you don’t think hard, it’s not a bad film.

Good things — no Jar Jar, at least no speaking Jar Jar. No Ewoks. Natalie Portman is still a hottie. Hayden Christiansen isn’t a horrible actor. Ewen MacGregor odes a pretty damned good Alec Guiness. The lizard Obi-Wan rides (which I’m thinking of as a ‘Tharlarion’, and if you get the reference you’re a geek) rocks.The fights are great. General Grevious is too fucking cool. The film, for something completely digital, looks pretty lifelike.

Bad things — the script. Come on Lucas, you’re not a dialog writer. A little Yoda goes a long way, and this film has a lot of Yoda. Natalie Portman can’t act. The spaceship battles really don’t look that good for all the technology. Evidently, start travel is now instantaneous, time/distance is not a factor. The whole plot is made of spit and bailing wire.

Basically, it’s candy. You have to strap in and hang on and not look too close, but it’s an enjoyable film, and it exceeded my expectations.

But you know, I want to go back and watch the original now.

Damn You, Slava!

A reader names Slava, one of many who seem to wind up here because of a search on skull rings, pointed me to a site called Bill Wall Leather.

A reader named Slava, one of many who seem to wind up here because of a search on skull rings, pointed me to a site called Bill Wall Leather.

I curse Slava for doing this, because…


Want. Want. Really want. And more want.

Slava pointed me there to look at Bill’s skull rings, but I don’t really like the skulls much. They suffer from the classic ‘make the skull scary’ problem which is exactly what I don’t like in skull rings. They’re nicely done, but don’t particularly suit my aesthetic. But go, take a look at his site. Most excellent stuff.