Who planned this?

How many people at thirty, fourty, fifty, can say to themselves, this is the life I planned on having?

How many people at thirty, fourty, fifty, can say to themselves, this is the life I planned on having?

I bet I could find a few. People who knew. I’m going to be a scientist. I want to play violin in an orchestra. Some people feel a calling in life, and answer it, and have the luck, and the gift.

Most of us just sort of wind up where we are, washed onto some beach like semi-sentient flotsom. We know we made some choices there at some point, we chose that fork, not the other. Yet so much is random eddies, currents we can’t control or choose not to control.

Read more “Who planned this?”

Hitchhiker’s Guide: Amazingly, mindbogglingly awful.

I mean, you might think that The Phantom Menace was a hopelessly misguided attempt to reinvent a much-loved franchise by people who, though well-intentioned, completely failed to understand what made the original popular – but that’s just peanuts to the Hitchhiker’s movie…. It’s not even a good film if viewed as an original work: the characters are unsympathetic, the cast exhibit no chemistry, the direction is pedestrian, the pace plodding, the special effects overpowering (lots and lots of special effects, none of them funny mind you) and above all the script is amazingly, mindbogglingly awful.

MJ Simpson, Douglas Adams biographer, has posted a review of the new Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy movie.

A few key quotes:

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy movie is bad. Really bad. You just won’t believe how vastly, staggeringly, jaw-droppingly bad it is. I mean, you might think that The Phantom Menace was a hopelessly misguided attempt to reinvent a much-loved franchise by people who, though well-intentioned, completely failed to understand what made the original popular – but that’s just peanuts to the Hitchhiker’s movie. Listen.

. . . . .

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy movie is an abomination. Whereas the radio show, TV show, books and computer game are all recognisably variations on a theme, this is something new and almost entirely unrelated. It’s not even a good film if viewed as an original work: the characters are unsympathetic, the cast exhibit no chemistry, the direction is pedestrian, the pace plodding, the special effects overpowering (lots and lots of special effects, none of them funny mind you) and above all the script is amazingly, mindbogglingly awful. Oh, and they have taken most of the jokes out.

This is a terrible, terrible film and it makes me want to weep.

Wow. That’s some kinda bad. Watching the previews I cannot say I’m surprised. I can’t imagine making a decent hollywood movie out of a book where the best parts are the narrative digressions. But you’d think they could make one that would not utterly suck.

Fingers crossed that MJ’s wrong, but not holding my breath, I tell you.

Voodou vèvès

Now, a year or two ago when I was researching this, I really, really could have used this page of Voodou Veves. Best page I’ve found on the topic anywhere.

I was talking recently about Voodou and Voudou Vèvè .

Now, a year or two ago when I was researching this, I really, really could have used this page of Voodou Vèvès. Best page I’ve found on the topic anywhere.

Good stuff.

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Categories: art


I’ve killed a lot of men and sinned a lot of women. But the men I killed needed killin’ and the women wanted sinnin’, and well, I never was one much to argue.

“Well, I’ve done a lot of killin’. I’ve killed a lot of men and sinned a lot of women. But the men I killed needed killin’ and the women wanted sinnin’, and well, I never was one much to argue. “

          –Marlon Brando confesses in The Appaloosa

My friend Rachel quoted that to me recently and you know, about all I can say is, words to live by.

…This is where I might as well throw in a couple of my favorite confession lines, from the completely brilliant Desperado.

“Bless me, Father, for I have just killed quite a few men.”


“Would you like confession?”

“Maybe later, where I’m going I would just have to come straight back.”

Who doesn’t like panties?

I just have to put in a quick plug (a-hem) for Brett and Hiromi’s Panties Panties Panties…. They also have some absolutely lovely panty fetish pictures.

I just have to put in a quick plug (a-hem) for Brett and Hiromi’s Panties Panties Panties blog. I mean, they understand Tim Powers, fercrisssakes.

[edit – that blog is long gone now — (3/6/2005)]

They also have some absolutely lovely panty fetish pictures. And as some of you know, I do have something of a fetish for panties (Though I must admit, I’ll always choose commando before panties, no matter how cute the panties are).

Anyway, show B&H some panty-fetish love, they’re fine, fine people.

Sporran Nation — don’t call it a purse!

I blogged a couple weeks ago about Jen Cantwell of Sporran Nationand the skull sporran she was making me.

I blogged a couple weeks ago about Jen Cantwell of Sporran Nation and the skull sporran she was making me.

I just got it:

Skull Sporran

And a thing of beauty it is.

Jen is absolutely wonderful, and this sporran is incredibly well made. The strap is better quality that that of most sporrans I’ve seen, and the lining — a red-purple two tone silk that’s yummy enough to eat (As is Jen herself).

Thanks Jen, ‘yer a fuckin’ peach. I bet I sell a mess of these for you when I wear it at the Utilikilts booth.

I’ll post pictures of me wearing it with the leather Utilikilt as soon as I can arrange it.


I just installed a new version of MTLJPost, an MT plugin that automatically posts my MT blog entries on LiveJournal. This way, I can blog once, yet I’m not neglecting my LJ user friends.

Hey, this is cool.

I just installed a new version of MTLJPost, an MT plugin that automatically posts my MT blog entries on LiveJournal. This way, I can blog once, yet I’m not neglecting my LJ user friends.

Ray, if you wanna turn this on, let me know, I’ll show you how. It’s super easy.

Love and Death

Title shamelessly stolen from Woody Allen…. My friend Chris — Papa Christo — my best male friend even in life.

(Title shamelessly stolen from Woody Allen.)

There is no outpouring of love, ever in life, like that when we die.

My friend Chris — Papa Christo — my best male friend even in life. His sister died this week, by her own hand, after a long and terrible depression.

I never knew his sister Holly. I’m not sure why. I met her a time or two, but for some reason, our paths never really crossed like they did with the rest of his family. Now, it’s too late, and tonight now do I learn what a sad thing that is.

I went to her funeral tonight — well, I don’t know if funeral is the right word. She was a deeply religious woman, a catholic, and it was some complex and arcane (to me) catholic thing including a bazillion hail marys, which of course make me want to climb the walls and swing from the rafters naked like a chimpanzee.

But it was the readings after that brought tears to my eyes.

I’ve never seen Chris cry before. I’ve never said “I love you” to him, not heard him say it to me. Yet tonight, before things even started, he was weeping on my shoulder and we were whispering I love you as passionately as lovers.

Tears came to my eyes so easily over his loss. More easily than ever they came over my own loss of a sibling.

So many people stood up to talk about Holly; so much love. God, this woman will be missed. And the pain over the manner of her death spoke deep into my soul, the feeling that she’s been lost long before she died. I know that feeling I said to myself.

Why can’t we tell those we love how we feel when they’re here? Why can’t they hear it, feel it, when love is shared?

I don’t want to wait for my loved ones to die, to tell them how I love them. I doubt I ever said it to my father, I know I never said it to my brother. I don’t even recall when last I told my mother I love her.

Love is so easily shared for the lost. It’s so easy to speak well of those who are gone, to discuss the joy and light and happiness they bring. Yet when they live, the annoyances great and small plague us, loom large, larger than they should.

Does loss change that focus? Or are we simply more comfortable pouring out love to those who are beyond hearing?

I love you. Let us not be afraid to say it. I love you — friends, family, parents, children. Tell your loved ones how you feel while you have a chance. Sometimes they’re taken away before it’s time, sometimes we just forget to say it, forget we feel it. Say it when you can.

Fuck Me So Hard It Hurts

NOt so much because I care how many hits I’m getting, though that’s vaguely interesting. But because it’s interesting, educational, and sometimes amusing to see what search terms I get hits from.Spanking Art is a huge one.

So I check my sitemeter all the time. Not so much because I care how many hits I’m getting, though that’s vaguely interesting. But because it’s interesting, educational, and sometimes amusing to see what search terms I get hits from.

Spanking Art is a huge one. Hits on that many times every day. Live Wrong gets me a lot of them too. Erototoxins did for a spell but not so much any more.

I got a couple, a while back, on Spanking Policeman which got me laughing. No idea why that hit me. I get tons from searches on Skull Ring and quite a few from related searches, Crazy Pig and Tony Creed.

I get tons of hits from Tattoo and Kilt searches. I’m staring to get some for Hold Fast.

You know, the stuff I talk about.

But today I got one that simply delighted me.

Fuck Me So Hard It Hurts, the search was on.

Who are you, oh AOL user who found me that way? Did you find what you’re looking for? I can’t tell, since it was an AOL search and I can’t see the results page.

But I must say, there’s nothing anyone can say to me that will delight me as much as that phrase. Well, I can think of a few things, from a few people, mostly involving the word “yes“, but aside from that, Fuck Me So Hard It Hurts is music to my sick, twisted ears.

C’mon. Say it to me again.