I feel like I should be writing about the ‘new era’ ushered in today, with Obama’s inauguration. Or maybe about the end of blackest era in american politics since McCarthyism. About how history must remember George W Bush as what he is, the worst president in american history, at least in terms of negative effects […]
I feel like I should be writing about the ‘new era’ ushered in today, with Obama’s inauguration. Or maybe about the end of blackest era in american politics since McCarthyism. About how history must remember George W Bush as what he is, the worst president in american history, at least in terms of negative effects and failures.
But you know, I kind of feel like that job is getting done.
Meanwhile, it’s all about me.
I’m starting my back piece at noon tomorrow. And I can’t wait.
I don’t expect to have much to post. This is going to take a long time, and we’re not going to rush it. I don’t like sitting for more than two or three hours when I’m getting tattooed (the endorphins run out after two and I start getting fatigued). This will be months in the making, then.
I don’t know what part we’re going to work on tomorrow. But the rough sketch I saw last week was fantastic. Klem understood exactly what I loved about the source drawing, and exactly what needed fixing, and nailed it all effortlessly, working together original feel with modern, personal touches. So whatever portion we attack is going to be great.
Ok, but it’s not too late for a portrait of Obama or one of Biden with flapjacks on his head.
That’s all I’m saying.
Haven’t you heard there is a new way to “love” you favorite new politician? With personalized sex…
Have fun with that tattoo tomorrow. I can’t wait to hear about you loving it…
Hey, *I* wrote about a new era for you!
Good luck, I’m sure it will be lovely.
This post, and the last three, fucking awesome. I promise I will blog as soon as I’m not homeless anymore and I have a machine set up again. Among other shit.
Hopefully I’ll be back soon. Till then I have a bunch of shitty one bedrooms and studios to go and fight over with the natives (it’s like a really sinister and high stakes game of musical chairs, I swear to fucking Christ). Look after yerself.