black bars over our eyes

I finally figured out why some of my friends can’t get to my site from their places of employment, and why my friend Arvind, the brilliant young developer of MtBlogRoll, can’t get to my site at all from the United Arab Emirates. is on the SmartFilter blacklist. I’m listed as a “Pornography” site and […]

I finally figured out why some of my friends can’t get to my site from their places of employment, and why my friend Arvind, the brilliant young developer of MtBlogRoll, can’t get to my site at all from the United Arab Emirates. is on the SmartFilter blacklist. I’m listed as a “Pornography” site and a “Sex” site; which means that any company or nation that’s decided to babysit users like nursery-school kids find we’re too evil for tender little eyes. This includes all the sites I host under, but not sites with their own domains.

You can read about the utter stupidity that is SmartFilter on BoingBoing, who are likewise blocked.

You can check your own sites here:

I’m not yet sure if there’s any way to get that listing corrected. I’m working on it and I’ll post here if I find out.

14 thoughts on “black bars over our eyes”

  1. I’m listed as Pornography and Sex, too. In your link, there’re instructions for using the “Suggest Change” feature, but I don’t know what all that’s about and I’m too lazy to find out for myslef, so I’ll see what you find out.

  2. So You’re saying the moronospheres are banned literature? All of use?

    Dude, that’s fucking awesome. That has made my otherwise shitty and annoying day.

  3. Sigh. You host me, Karl, but I got my own domain name and so they got me as “Not Categorized.”

    Which, actually, is kinda how I feel lately…


  4. Well, that, and a devastating ass, too…I’d at least give you an “intimate” rating, DN 😉

    Gang, this is proof that morality and lifestyle is an “us and them” issue. If you aren’t “us”, you’re a “them”, and they don’t like “them” ideals.

    “Their” loss…I think all of you folks are the greatest.

  5. My life’s been basically boring. Such is life. Nothing exciting going on worth mentioning.

    (note the above was spam so I nuked the url, but I find the commentor name ‘Anal Abuse’ delightful so I’m letting this through — Karl )

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