You know, if you’re not watching Penn & Teller’s BULLSHIT!, you need to be. This is both some of the best entertainment, and some of the best information on teevee.
Technorati Tags: karlelvis
You know, if you’re not watching Penn & Teller’s BULLSHIT!, you need to be.
This is both some of the best entertainment, and some of the best information on teevee.
Not every episode is brilliant. Sometimes they work a little hard to convince us that something is crap, particularly in the more recent episodes. But damn, some of these, like the one I watched tonight about Talkingt to the Dead, are simply fantastic, skewering things that simply scream out to be skewered.
Set your TiVos. But save up a few, I always want to watch two or three in a row. One bullshit isn’t enough.
Pardon my typos. There was a bottle of Toasted Head involved. I love you though. Really.
Yeah, I know I left a title out on this one, which broke comments. I blame the wine. It’s fixed now.
I love Penn & Teller, but I’ve got a not-yet-fully-formed blog rant in my head about how mind-bogglingly retarded their AA episode was. Don’t get me wrong, AA drives me up a wall sometimes, and there’s much in the “AA gospel” to keep skeptics busy for weeks, but the P&T treatment was down at the level of a John Stossel hit piece. I was embarrassed for them. They should stick to what they know, and they don’t know shit about drunks or drinking.
I know little about 12-step programs, aside from the fact that they work for some people I know and love. But purely from a teevee perspective, yeah, that episode was weaker than most. But you know, it is is a comedy show, so you have to give ’em a little slack.