Skull Ring updates

A couple of quick Skull Ring notes.

First, Tony Creed has a new site that looks pretty slick. Go visit him at!

I love Tony’s stuff; my first skull ring was my ELVIS LIVES ‘riffman’. Tony’s still the original badass in the industry and his stuff is stil as cave-man-biker as ever.

Second,another favorite designer, MT Maloney, has just released this brillian, HUGE ring: the JUPITER:


MT’s awesome, and this is really a statement piece. He won’t even be offering this in small sizes; you need Big Old Man Hands to wear it.

I want it.

Rabbit in the Moon

“The Rabbit in the Moon” – a pendant made by my father. I just found this one while cleaning up my office. I still need to polish it up, but here it is as I found it.

Dad made a lot of things like this; it’s one of the things I miss about him; his abstract logician’s mind turned concrete in silver.

He made these out of old silver coins (a 1940’s Australian florin in this case). He said he learned the skill in the army; he was in the south pacific in WWII, and spent long, tedious hours on troop ships. Jewelry was one of the ways he passed the time, sitting on deck to catch cooling breezes, working with small hand drills and files to shape bits of silver coin (in the days when coins were still made of silver).

The image is of the Rabbit, pushing a wheelbarrow down a hill; my father used to say the wheelbarrow contains “books with pale blue covers, about the goodness of life”.

Miss you, Dad.


skull ring links back in place

Ok, it’s been way too long since I’ve been able to give link-love to my skull ring frineds – sorry guys, life has a way of giving us lemons, right?

I’ve finally started to get ’em in place again.

I can’t change the sort order, so it’s in the default alpha sort.

There are some still missing, I have to delve into the archives to get ’em all out, but if you see hits, let me know.

Again, apologies for dropping ’em, when I cut over to wordpress, thats’ one of the design elements that didn’t port.

More on this later, I have some new silver to post pix of.

Here are the ones I have live:

Skulls and one spade

The full collection, so far. Top row, left to right: MT Maloney, Sinners Inc (the one they named after me, the ‘Elvis’ skull), and $eri0s silver (a company that was ripping people off last I heard, so I don’t link to ’em anymore). Second row: Ruby Crush, Dave’s Customs, Ruby Crush, Deadringers Third row: Ruby […]

The Whole Collection

The full collection, so far.

Top row, left to right: MT Maloney, Sinners Inc (the one they named after me, the ‘Elvis’ skull), and $eri0s silver (a company that was ripping people off last I heard, so I don’t link to ’em anymore).

Second row: Ruby Crush, Dave’s Customs, Ruby Crush, Deadringers

Third row: Ruby Crush, Courts and Hackett, Sinners Inc

Bottom Row: Sinners Inc (the spade), MT Maloney, the one and only Tony Creed, Deadringers, Ruby Crush.