This place is getting to me. I think I’m getting the Fear.

I dunno what it is. Maybe it’s just being sick, still, with something I can’t shake (or with a series of things which I can’t fight off ’cause the other thing lowered my resistance). Maybe it’s that everyone’s sick; i talked to friends yesterday from Philly and San Jose, both of whom came down with […]

I dunno what it is.

Maybe it’s just being sick, still, with something I can’t shake (or with a series of things which I can’t fight off ’cause the other thing lowered my resistance). Maybe it’s that everyone’s sick; i talked to friends yesterday from Philly and San Jose, both of whom came down with horrid ailments that sounds exactly alike the same day. People around work of coughing, people around school are doing the same.

Or maybe it’s the fucking weather. God. I’m not used to this. But it looks like the sun is creeping out now, so maybe, maybe, we’re tail-ending this deluge.

Maybe it’s about work; I’m so fucking far behind now that I feel like I’m ahead, the other rats about to lap me on the track. I’m behind in a way that feels like I’ll never catch up, yet not sick enough that I can use the excuse anymore.

Maybe it’s the mounting stack of things to do, taxes, bills, the entropy of a household this time of year when all the things put off can no longer be put off.

Or maybe it’s simply the pain and yearning that comes with spring’s approach, my body knowing the season even though my mind says otherwise. I feel the sap flowing in the trees and the flowers trying to bloom and my body feels a pull somewhere, somehow.

Whatever it is, I can’t fucking write. I keep trying. I was up last night with a bout of insomnia and trying to blog; nothing. Fucking nothing.

I need to talk about stuff, and I just find I can’t, like my fingers stiffen and my mind whirls and the power of speech is gone. And it leaves me with the usual mute frustration, the raw, disconnected feeling, the vague anger with no good outlet. Teeth grinding, head hurting. Pressure.

You know. The usual.

Meaningless Holidays in Green

Let’s hear it for stupid, pointless holidays. You know, it’s funny; one of the things that’s weird about america is our lack of a native culture. The native in native culture includes rain dances and chants; but that really hasn’t seeped into american popular culture due to the, you know, genocide and culture-cide of a […]

Let’s hear it for stupid, pointless holidays.

You know, it’s funny; one of the things that’s weird about america is our lack of a native culture. The native in native culture includes rain dances and chants; but that really hasn’t seeped into american popular culture due to the, you know, genocide and culture-cide of a century and a half ago.

The bottom line is, we’re not from around here. We’re gumbo. We’re stone soup. We’re fusion cuisine, a weird mis-mash of elements that don’t always work together as a cohesive whole. We’re a fuckin’ mashup.

What that means is that our traditions, our holidays, our cultural fests and ceremonies, one and all, are borrowed, brought in with a baggage by immigrants from a thousand other places. Our native culture is a shaken cocktail of cultures from other places, most of which is celebrate in a shallow, surface sort of way for no real reason but to celebrate.

Now, I’m not putting down celebration for celebration’s sake. Not in the least. However, it’s a funny thing we do here in america.

Think of our major holidays; easter, christmas, independence day, thanksgiving. Our minor ones; st patrick’s day, halloween, valentine’s day. O these, two – thanksgiving and independence day – have relevant cultural meaning. One’s a harvest festival, both celebrate our nation’s birth.

The others though; all of them borrowings from religions, yet sanitized, stripped of meaning. Who are st patrick and st valentine? Who actually knows, if not raised catholic? Our christmas is a cultural fest of reindeer and santa and candy-canes, our easter is a festival of sunny debauchery for some, candy and colored eggs for others. Oh, sure, we know its connected in some way to some guy who died and came back, but that’s not what the holiday’s about.

Even Halloween is a mish-mash for us, ancient celtic/druid/pagen traditions, arcane and dark, weirdly mixed with catholic saint’s festival days. This one is closer to a native holiday that most others, at least the modern way of celebrating it seems to be. But still, it’s a blender-whirl of traditions from other places and other times.

But the ones that most stand out to be as stupid are those which still bear the names of saints. I’ve talked about valentine’s day before, and though I never finished writing it, has another piece on it this year; about the absurd sanitization of a holiday that’s all about the beauty of physical, carnal love. About how we’ve turned it into a sugar-and-flowers day where hallmark makes bank and kids exchange meaningless bits of paper. A day that’s intended to celebrate love in it’s most physical, carnal sense has the blood and sweat and come drained out of it, replaced with a glucose drip.

And then there’s st patricks day. A day that’s all about a saint that means little to the modern american experience. Some guy named Paddy. So we celebrate it by pretending to be irish, putting fucking green food coloring in our beer, drinking irish whisky and irish coffee, and eating corn beef n’ cabbage, and who the fuck cares? Sure, it celebrates one immigrant group, but why that one? Why not the italians, the french, the scots, the africans, the chinese? Why not the pacific islanders? Why not the people who owned this land before we swept in and slaughtered them?

I am irish. Way back, when the ancestors started coming over here from the horrific conditions an ocean away, my ancestors came from scotland, ireland, england, wales, holland, germany, france, and for all I know every other weird little country in europe. All you need to do is look at me to know I’m a celt. Go look at Mary Queen of Scots and you’ll see has my nose. Go look at those doughy boys fighting wars in europe and you can see my heritage.

That’s my culture, part of it; yet I look at the nonsense of america drinking green beer and singing danny boy and wonder why we all care. Why will we all go out tonight and drink and drive and celebrate when we’re not celebrating anything?

It’s because we don’t have anything real to celebrate. It’s because our culture lacks real, resonant holidays. It’s because our country, with that cursed work ethic we’re founded on, has to damned few holidays at all.

Look at other cultures and start counting the holidays. Asia, Europe, latin America; you can’t seem to look at a calendar page without finding a holiday. Holidays where businesses close, where kids are set free from school. Holidays where people parade and dance.

Here in the USA, we get a bizarre, small handful of holidays where people actually stop working, and apart from that, holidays that are meaningless in terms of our never-ending work calendar. No break for carnival; no break for columbus day or MLK day. No break to celebrate the new wine or the fresh october beer, no break to celebrate our founding fathers. No break to celebrate the native cultures we obliterated in founding this country.

So we make our own. Some saint? Let’s drink. Some other saint? Let’s buy candy. Someone got nailed to a cross? Let’s dye eggs. Birth of a prophet? Let’s cut a tree down and put it in our living rooms and exchange wrapped gifts. End of summer? Let’s put on costumes and beg for candy house-to-house.

Now, understand I’m not in any way lamenting the existence of stupid, pointless, made-up holidays. What I’m getting at is this – we do it because we have to, because we as a culture lack a common framework of background, religion, genetic origin. We have no cultural common ground, so we make one up; and choose the most pointless holidays as our focus points.

St valentine means nothing to modern america. Likely there was no st valentine, or at least not one we can point to as the st valentine. St. Patrick means little more, unless you’re a generation or so from Ireland. He’s just another guy with an ‘st’ in front of his name, or another name on the list of saints to pray to for help in case of snake bite.

I’m trying to think of memorable st paddy’s days in my past. It’s a blur; green beer and irish whiskey, huge steaming pots of corn beef (and how many of us have yacked corn beef post st paddy’s day over the years?). as a child, getting pinched because I wouldn’t wear green (“But I have green eyes I don’t have to,” I’d say, and of course now, I have green tattoos). Drunk, is mostly what I remember; drunk in a forced we’re supposed to get drunk way, not because I actually felt any will to celebrate. Drunk, and listening to Horslips and the Pogues, the Crusaders, the Clancy Brothers, the Chieftains. Drunk on beer and Jamison and waking up not knowing where I was.

It’s a funny collage of blurry memory, And with few key exceptions, the memories come with a shrug. Eh, whatever.

I’d like to say I’ll be going out tonight to listen to fiddles and pipes and dancing a jig in my best kilt; more likely I’ll be sitting home watching Deadwood. No dancing, no piping, no waking up bruised and confused.

Maybe it’s just that I’m getting to be an old fucker, but celebrating nothing just seems empty.

Up on the Wrong Side

Ever wake up, for no good reason, just sort of pissed at the world? Actually, for some people the question is, do you ever not. But anyway, that’s not usually how I wake up. Usually I’m ok. Maybe not great, but ok. I don’t mind being awake; sun in the window, or the sound of […]

Ever wake up, for no good reason, just sort of pissed at the world?

Actually, for some people the question is, do you ever not.

But anyway, that’s not usually how I wake up. Usually I’m ok. Maybe not great, but ok. I don’t mind being awake; sun in the window, or the sound of rain, and the promise of one of the best things in my day, that first cup of strong, dark coffee.

Today though, some dream, or some turn of moon or some other turmoil in the back of my mind soaked across the line that divides subconscious mind from mood, and I woke wanting to hit something.

I don’t even feel bad this morning, physically, which is a good thing; the first moring in a week I havn’t woken with a a sinus headache.

Yet – this low, murky feeling of rage. This vague desire to do harm with no real specific target and no ability to communicate what it is. No ability to communicate at all; I’ve been trying to answer emails all morning and just keep sitting and staring, hands hovering over the keyboard. Nothing. No words come.

I’m not even mad at anyone, or anything. It’s a static charge of annoyance that needs to arc someplace.

Normally I’d feel better – food, coffee, exercise, these simple things please me. Even doing crunches until my muscles burned didn’t sear away the feeling. I would go back to bed but after three cups of my black liquid crack, there’s no sleeping, not for a good twelve hours at least, if that.

I feel like Al Swearingen in the Deadwood episode Here Was a Man; “I need to fuck something! Trixie, get up here. And bring the bottle.”

Yeah. That’d work.

Samurai no Kokoroe

I ran across this over in Buck’s blog; or rather, I ran across a reference to it. Buck helped me with translations, which I then cross-checked on a number of web sites. I do not know the origin of this, nor do I know of it’s accuracy, nor am I certain the translations are correct. […]

I ran across this over in Buck’s blog; or rather, I ran across a reference to it. Buck helped me with translations, which I then cross-checked on a number of web sites.

I do not know the origin of this, nor do I know of it’s accuracy, nor am I certain the translations are correct. Details, these are; It spoke to me.

Samurai no Kokoroe – Precepts of the Samurai.

  • Jiko o shiru koto
         (Know yourself)
  • Jibun no kimeta koto wa saigo made kikko suru koto
         (Always follow through on commitments)
  • Ikanaru hito demo sonke suru koto
         (Respect everyone)
  • Kankyo ni sayu sarenai tsuyoi shinnen o motsu koto
         (Hold strong convictions that cannot be altered by your circumstances)
  • Mizu kara teki o tsukuranai koto
         (Don’t make an enemy of yourself)
  • Koto ni oite kokaisezu
         (Live without regrets)
  • Hito to no deai o taisetsu ni suru koto
         (Be certain to make a good first impression)
  • Miren o motanai koto
         (Don’t cling to the past)
  • Yakusoku o yaburanai koto
         (Never break a promise)
  • Hito ni tayoranai koto
         (Don’t depend on other people)
  • Hito o onshitsu shinai koto
         (Don’t speak ill of others)
  • Ikanaku koto ni oite mo osorenai koto
         (Don’t be afraid of anything)
  • Hito no iken o soncho suru koto
         (Respect the opinions of others)
  • Hito ni taishite omoiyari o motsu koto
         (Have compassion and understanding for everyone)
  • karuhazumi ni koto o okosanai koto
         (Don’t be impetuous (rash, passionately impulsive)).
  • Chiisa na koto demo taisetsu ni suru koto
         (Even little things must be attended to)
  • Kansha no kimochi o wasurenai koto
         (Never forget to be appreciative)
  • Issho kenmei monogoto o suru koto
         (Make a desperate effort)
  • Jinsei no mokuhyo o sadameru koto
         (Have a plan for your life)
  • Shoshin o wasurubekarazaru koto
         (Never lose your “Beginner’s Spirit”)

I’m not a zen guy so much. Not into the eastern philosophy, the meditation. Yet, I see myself as some sort of warrior, even if I’ve not always got an enemy to face down, or if the enemy is within. The sword may be imaginary, may be made of words, but it is the fighter with whom I most identify.

And so, when I read this code, this set of rules, it seems to apply.

I do not agree with every line of it, nor do I measure up on all points. And yet as a whole, if feels right.

Certain lines of it speak to me to the extent that I began thinking of a tattoo; wondering what these look like in Kanji.

Ikanaku koto ni oite mo osorenai is one such – how can one not wish to embody it? But more, there’s another that says tattoo to me for a special reason.

Koto ni oite kokaisezu – Live without regrets. This is something for which I strive, and mostly, mostly, I’ve managed it. But it also takes me back to a memory, one of the last conversations I had with my father, or at least one of the last meaningful ones we had.

What if you regret your tattoos?” he asked me, when I first started to get them. And it made me think. I considered this for several moments before I answered him.

I have no choice – thus, I will not.

It was a moment when I made a lifetime choice about regret; a choice that applied to tattoos specifically at that moment, but as time went on, a choice I’ve tried to apply to all my life.

I strive for this; yet there are regrets in my life I feel daily. And thus I strive to overcome regret.

Koto ni oite kokaisezu. I want to wear it.

Time’s the Revelator

Darling remember from when you come to me that I’m the pretender, I’m not what I’m supposed to be but who could know, lf I’m a traitor? time’s the revelator, revelator.           –Gillian Welch, Revelator I wish I had an mp3 of that song so I could put it up for you to hear, […]

Darling remember from when you come to me
that I’m the pretender,
I’m not what I’m supposed to be
but who could know, lf I’m a traitor?
time’s the revelator, revelator.

          –Gillian Welch, Revelator

I wish I had an mp3 of that song so I could put it up for you to hear, it’s beautiful. I only have a m4p version I got from the itunes store and they’re not sharable. I’d bitch about that but (looks at paycheck) it’s not in my best interest to do so.

Better, I wish I could put up an mp3 of my friend Ken’s version of it. Welch’s is pretty, but Ken’s, with backup by Heather Courtney and (hell, I guess her name is Lyndie Way, but I’m not sure about that). Ken’s is intense and passionate. A case where the song writer and the cover artist combine to make something wonderful that the songwriter alone doesn’t deliver.

Today marks two years of blogging for yours truly. And as with last year, I feel I should be saying something about it. I failed last year. But I have very very strong feelings about anniversaries, commemorations of dates and events. I remember these things, have marked them on myself with tattoos. I’m the one who says “You know, one year ago today, we met”. I already mentioned that this year marks 30 years since my first piercing. So these things matter to me.

In so many ways Welch’s lyrics, above, say more about my feelings here than anything I can come up with. I’m the pretender, I’m not what I’m supposed to be.

My long-time readers (um. both of them) know I started this to talk about writing, because I couldn’t think of anything else to blog about at the time. I had hoped, after writing Wanton earlier that year, to use this blog to help me hone my writing skill and harness my creativity.

Best Laid Plans and all that. In fact this blog has been something completely other than that. An ego monument, a place to express myself, an anchor around my neck, a listening ear in both good ways and bad. It’s gotten me some good friends, though in fact many of them came via orkut, or other sites like the erotica forum where I posted my novella. It’s in many ways helped me be more open about my feelings. It’s taught me some new technical skills, but it’s also given me a huge distraction and time suck.

I don’t know, in the end, if this is good for me, or bad. I flip-flop on that weekly, and as I’ve said, three or four times I’ve given it up and torn my blog down and said fuck blogging, it’s all over. I’ve written almost nothing since Wanton, only put up two stories (a silly piece about santa and a sex-dream story inspired by a long-ago celebrity crush). I spend more time in a state of writer’s block than I spend writing.

It’s been an intense two years. I’ve learned more about love and hurt the last two years than I think I ever knew in my life up ’til that point. In many ways these last two years have encompassed some of my highest highs and lowest lows, and the shock waves from all that will not dissipate for a long while yet. In many ways I found myself these last two years, or let myself be myself, stopped being what other people expected of me.

Maybe the pretender is the shell on the ground behind me. Or maybe I’m fooling myself again and what I’m doing is simply killing time and not doing anything.

In either case, this marks two years in my life where everything changed and yet everything is the same, and I’m the worse for the wear, with new scars inside and out, only some of them self-inflicted.

I feel like I should be proud or angry. Yet all I can manage is sad.

Time’s the revelator.

I struggle with words for fear that they’ll hear

This is what happens to me when I’m in that emotional, unable to express myself state. When the poet in me wakes up tries to claw it’s way out. That poet has no means of egress; on my best day I am a writer of decent prose, but poetry eludes me completely. Yet what I […]

This is what happens to me when I’m in that emotional, unable to express myself state. When the poet in me wakes up tries to claw it’s way out. That poet has no means of egress; on my best day I am a writer of decent prose, but poetry eludes me completely.

Yet what I feel, some days, can only be rendered correctly in poetry; and thus I wind up seeking the words of others to express what’s inside.

I haven’t heard this song in years – and just reading the lyrics I remember why it almost brings me to tears every time I hear it.

Standing firm on this stony ground
The wind blows hard
Pulls these clothes around
I harbour all the same worries as most
The temptations to leave or to give up the ghost
I wrestle with an outlook on life
That shifts between darkness and shadowy light
I struggle with words for fear that they’ll hear
But Orpheus sleeps on his back still dead to the world
Sunlight falls, my wings open wide
There’s a beauty here I cannot deny
And bottles that tumble and crash on the stairs
Are just so many people I knew never cared
Down below on the wreck of the ship
Are a stronghold of pleasures I couldn’t regret
But the baggage is swallowed up by the tide
As Orpheus keeps to his promise and stays by my side
Tell me, I’ve still a lot to learn
Understand, these fires never stop
Believe me, when this joke is tired of laughing
I will hear the promise of my Orpheus sing
Sleepers sleep as we row the boat
Just you the weather and I gave up hope
But all of the hurdles that fell in our laps
Were fuel for the fire and straw for our backs
Still the voices have stories to tell
Of the power struggles in heaven and hell
But we feel secure against such mighty dreams
As Orpheus sings of the promise tomorrow may bring
Tell me, I’ve still a lot to learn
Understand, these fires never stop
Please believe, when this joke is tired of laughing
I will hear the promise of my Orpheus sing

     –David Sylvian, Orpheus

Getting through the day

There are little things we do that get us through the day. A bite a chocolate in the afternoon. A cup of tea, or a stiff shot of espresso. A conversation with a friend, a favorite blog; a little bad teevee or a gossip magazine. Sometimes it’s something good for us – a run, or […]

There are little things we do that get us through the day.

A bite a chocolate in the afternoon. A cup of tea, or a stiff shot of espresso.

A conversation with a friend, a favorite blog; a little bad teevee or a gossip magazine.

Sometimes it’s something good for us – a run, or a workout at the gym, a basketball game with friends. Sometimes it’s not so good; too much to drink, drugs. We smoke too much pot or snort something or swallow something for pain when the pain isn’t physical; we go for the bottle and crawl inside because it feels safe in there.

Sometimes it’s simple pleasures; cooking or putting the kids to bed, doing something just for oneself, doing something that’s easy to finish and mark off as complete.

That’s what blogging is for a lot of us, I think. Something to help get through the day. Someone to talk to, someone to listen. In many ways a tribe, a group, a gang to belong to. Someone to listen to you with that bizarre intimacy faceless communication provides.

Some days though, you need a little extra. More than what gets you through. More than your drug of choice or your social ritual, your little tasks, your daily entertainments. Some days you just need something good to happen out of the blue.

The littlest things sometimes – a compliment where you don’t expect it, a little affection, a lucky break. A streak of productivity.

I wish there was a magic elixir; something in precious finite supply; a drop to produce those good moments when you need them, those lucky turns, those tiny gifts of good fortune. I’m not greedy though; that’s why even in my fantasy, it’s a tiny supply, not to be wasted.

Good things come out of the blue too rarely in life. for this reason I try to be honest with people; honest and free with my praise and my compliments. I want to be the person who makes someone’s day, the compliment out of the blue. I’ve been known to say “you smell good” to a stranger, to tell people who look fantastic that they look fantastic, for no reason other than that they made me smile. I try to leave the unexpectedly large tip, to thank the people who do thankless work. When something good comes, unexpected and unasked, unhoped and unsolicited, it makes one’s world better in tiny ways.

Unexpected pleasures are, nearly always, the sweetest.

Thankless Thanks

I recall last year trying to write an entry about giving thanks. I thought I’d posted it, and I find I had the same issue then as I have now – I can’t seem to quite find what I want to say. Like the silly cultural tradition of the new year’s resolution, we in america, […]

I recall last year trying to write an entry about giving thanks. I thought I’d posted it, and I find I had the same issue then as I have now – I can’t seem to quite find what I want to say.

Like the silly cultural tradition of the new year’s resolution, we in america, at least (does anyone outside the US practice something like this? I don’t know) take one day of the year to ‘give thanks’.

This, like christmas, is ostensibly a religious celebration. The act of giving thanks is in fact, thanking your chosen deity for whatever you have.

It’s the funny dichotomy of american culture; we were founded in many ways by religious pariahs, zealots who fled home country rarther than assimilate into a less-devoute population. So much of the very core of american culture is, still, puritan and deeply god-fearing. The notion of the first thanksgiving is one of a feast held to honor god for providing.

Yet, we are also the nation that has Separation of Church and State written into the most basic foundation of our culture, the constitution.

Thus we have Thanksgiving and Christmas days as national holidays, yet we’re not able to call it christmas in school anymore, we have to refer to ‘winter holidays’.

I’m not a christian. In any way. I’ve talked about it before – my atheist upbringing, my lack of any faith or spirituality. I celebrate these holidays as cultural tradition, not as spiritual or religious festival. Yet they’re important to me in a deep and fundamental way. I love the holiday traditions. I love christmas music, lights, tinsel. I love the fall colors, the traditions of ballgames and parades. These are my culture as an american. Dress up and decoration, songs and games, friends and family. Tribe.

But I also know what lies under it all. Deeper than western cultural traditions, deeper than christian gods.

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I wanna be Titus Pullo

I wanna be Titus Pullo. (Warning, there are minor spoilers toward the end of this, after the cut) If you’re watching Rome you know what I’m talkin’ about. If you’re not watching Rome, well, we’re down to the last episode, so wait for the DVD to come out; which should hit when next season rolls […]

I wanna be Titus Pullo.

(Warning, there are minor spoilers toward the end of this, after the cut)

If you’re watching Rome you know what I’m talkin’ about. If you’re not watching Rome, well, we’re down to the last episode, so wait for the DVD to come out; which should hit when next season rolls around. Or wait for HBO to start a re-show.

Rome is a fantastic show; it takes a few episodes to get going and knowing your roman history helps a little since they don’t always explain the relationships and historical significance of everything. But once the show gets going, it’s fucking brilliant, well written, well acted, incredibly well cast.

But I’ve said all that before.

The thing I want to talk about, though, is Titus Pullo.

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