Santas and Hackers

So evidently sometime yesterday, a group of bad-boy hackers got in through a back door on our host server. They didn’t do anything that we can find other than to steal bandwidth to do a buch of port-scanning, though we’re doing a more complete scan. No harm no foul as far as moronoblogs are concerned, […]

So evidently sometime yesterday, a group of bad-boy hackers got in through a back door on our host server. They didn’t do anything that we can find other than to steal bandwidth to do a buch of port-scanning, though we’re doing a more complete scan. No harm no foul as far as moronoblogs are concerned, our database is free of corruption (well, other than that which we put there our own selves).

But I just wanted to tip the hat to Brandon who spent his friday doing battle with the forces of evil. As far as I know, he got the security hole plugged late last night, with very little help from me. Time for me to study up on security so I can be more use next time.

So I’d intended to (try to) repeat last year’s bad santa challenge, and do another holiday-themed dirty story. I’ve utterly failed at that, not even starting such a story. Maybe next year I’ll do better, but meantime, you owe it to yourself to read these wonderful tails of holiday depravity:

Because Papa Noel is a Bad Bad Man.

I’d love to have more to add to this collection, so if any of you feel motivated to write a holiday-themed erotic tale, by all means, do. They don’t all have to be santa-themed, nor even specifically xmas.

And I need to get myself writing again. It’s in there, I just can’t seem to get it out.

Slashdotted (or is that fleshbotted?)

So I check my site stats today, like, you know, always, to see who’s reading what. I’m like that about checking the logs. He knows when you’ve been sleeping, he knows when you’re awake. Like that. And I see this big fuckin’ spike it my hits over the last three or four hours. Turns out […]

So I check my site stats today, like, you know, always, to see who’s reading what. I’m like that about checking the logs. He knows when you’ve been sleeping, he knows when you’re awake. Like that.

And I see this big fuckin’ spike it my hits over the last three or four hours. Turns out Long Dark Car is in BacchusSex Blogs Roundup.


Hey, if any of you enjoy, or even hate, that story, do us a favor and leave a comment. It’s what the writer thrives on. and you can also clix me while you’re at it.

Long Dark Car

Time for a dirty story. This is a slight expansion upon one of the best sex dreams I’ve ever had. This was a long time ago, and certainly, some of the dream detail is lost, and thus replaced with the writer’s waking imagination. Still, the basic details are direct from the dream. In the dream […]

Time for a dirty story.

This is a slight expansion upon one of the best sex dreams I’ve ever had. This was a long time ago, and certainly, some of the dream detail is lost, and thus replaced with the writer’s waking imagination. Still, the basic details are direct from the dream. In the dream the ending was, as all my sex dreams, a too-soon waking; so the ending here is of the writer’s-waking-imagination kind. But somehow the sudden ending didn’t satisfy.

Read more “Long Dark Car”

Sex Dreams and Dirty Stories

Somehow sex dreams are the source of a lot of my best erotic writing. I’ve got a piece finished, but I think I need to proof read it one more time before I post it. It should be up tomorrow sometime. It feels good to finish one, even if it’s a short piece.

Somehow sex dreams are the source of a lot of my best erotic writing.

I’ve got a piece finished, but I think I need to proof read it one more time before I post it. It should be up tomorrow sometime.

It feels good to finish one, even if it’s a short piece.

Dorthy Parker Mood

Razors pain you; Rivers are damp; 
Acids stain you; And drugs cause cramp.
Guns aren’t lawful; Nooses give; Gas smells awful; You might as well live. I bet ‘ol Dorthy was a riot at parties.

Razors pain you;
Rivers are damp; 
Acids stain you;
And drugs cause cramp.
Guns aren’t lawful;
Nooses give;
Gas smells awful;
You might as well live.

I bet ‘ol Dorthy was a riot at parties.

The Bachelor

about me being alone.

No, Not the reality teevee show. I’m done with that topic.

I’m talking about a temporary bachelor.

The family are taking off for a toasty tour of the southwest (why do they call it the southwest when it’s east of here? And what’s with the midwest? It’s not mid, nor west). I, on the other hand, as a workin’ stiff, can’t always take off at the last minute with no advance planning. So I’m keepin’ the home fires burnin’ and waiting for some post-cards and t-shirts. Gray, with skulls. That’s it, you know what I like.

Meanwhile, I’ve got a big ten days here to myself.

Obviously, I’m hoping to get some writing done. It’s a prime chance, truly. And if I could turn the tap in my head, I could write a fucking novel in ten days. I’ve got the stories, and I’ve got the time. But I’ll keep expectations low and just say, I’ll work, and maybe I’ll get a story or two I can post.

Most likely, I’ll spend too much time at home. I’ll do a ton of laundry, watch a lotta movies (I got netflix again – first up, Firefly), read a thick, heavy book or two (Moby Dick? Hell, it’s on my bedside table), and drink way too much. I’m tellin’ ya, friends, if I do this, come get me outta the house. Sometimes I go hermit when I have the house to myself. Come get me and take me out and get me in trouble. I could use it.

The worst thing I do when I’m alone is that I tend to spend way too much time at work. With no reason to get home, no one to cook for or clean up after, I tend to think, I’ll just finish this today instead of putting it off. That, also, I need to resist.

Other things come to mind. Maybe I’ll take a short motorcycle trip, pack just what I need and head off up or down the coast. Maybe I’ll toss a sleeping bag and a jug of wine in my jeep and find a beach to sleep on.

Why not? A man’s gotta try for an adventure or two.

Or maybe I’ll just conduct a short tour of dive bars in my town. That shouldn’t take long, it’s a small town and it’s got too few bars. Drink up and crawl home. In the old days, I’d have gone on a weekend-long chemical vacation; I miss being young and stupid sometimes.

Hell, I’ll find some way to occupy the hours. I always do.

[made with ecto]

Sunny with a chance of Bad Santa

Last year we had a small but excellent showing of filthy holiday stories I like to call Bad Bad Santa. I’m just sick enough to go back and do it again.

This is what you want call an early warning.

Last year we had a small but excellent showing of filthy holiday stories I like to call Bad Bad Santa.

I’m just sick enough to go back and do it again. So put your dirty thinking caps on.

Basically, there are few rules — stories need to be 1) dirty, 2) holiday themed. You can take on the jolly old elf like the rest of us did last time, you can besmirch Rudolph, Frosty, that wicked old Mrs Claus, the Grinch, even little Cindy Lou Who. Or you can take on another holiday and do unto the Easter Bunny or Cupid, or a holiday mashup like Jack Skelington and his crew.


Think on it. Let inspiration strike.

I’ll put out an official call later this summer and put up a drop box of some sort to collect them. Stories remain the author’s, I’m just gonna collect ’em up and feature the best ones.

Gimme your body, Gimme your mind

I had one of those weekends where I think about killing off my blog, because I am in a place where rage and pain and frustration mount, and I can’t seem to use the one therapy available to me — writing. This is where a private journal is better; yet I seem unable to write without an audience.

Technorati Tags:

Gimme your body
Gimme your mind
Open your heart
Pull down the blind

Gimme your love gimme it all
Gimme in the kitchen gimme in the hall

Art for arts sake
Money for Gods sake
Art for Arts sake
Money for Gods sake

I had one of those weekends where I think about killing off my blog, because I am in a place where rage and pain and frustration mount, and I can’t seem to use the one therapy available to me — writing.

This is where a private journal is better; yet I seem unable to write without an audience. As much as I belive in art for art’s sake I can’t seem to practice it, I need to send my words off to someone to have them worth saying.

Blogging is a double-edged sword. We send our words into the vast semi-permenant public record that is the internet, but eventually, we all must deal with the fact that from the click of the ‘publish’ button, our thoughts and deeds are public, and can, possibly, be tracked back. Even anonymous bloggers know this; look at Waiter Rant, who had to take his ‘tip jar’ down because it might compromise his anonymity.

Those of us who blog under a known name, real or trackable back to us, invariably confront the fact that people we know may read us. Family, friends, work, parents.

My mother reads this space. Eventually, my daughter will find it, as soon as she gets bored googling up obscure playmobile toys and decides to google daddy.

The audience constrains us. Things I might say, behind a curtain of anonymity with no names or dates, now, ever and always, I must think about. Who might this hurt? Is this someone’s secret? Am I free to speak? And this becomes a spiral, tighter and tighter, til sometimes I cannot move my fingers, trapped in some fugue state, paralyzed by thought and unable to create.

Days like this, I think, shut it down, it’s past it’s expiration date.

Fortunately, when I think this, I don’t reach for the delete key. At best I think ‘take it down’ and move the published files aside. The database that contains all this work, and that of other bloggers, is safe, and backed up. So if I again succumb to the desire to make it go away, the few ounces of treasure in all this won’t cease to be.

But I stare at ecto‘s compose window, more and more as time goes by, with empty, impotent frustration, my words filtered down to nothing. I post links and pictures and funny quips, meaningless film reviews, because I feel I must say something.

Mute frustration rules my life in many ways. Words I cannot speak. My words become the match that ignites a tinderbox of trouble. Yet words are the life-blood of me, my interface to the world, my only effective tool to understand the universe. I think in language. I often think in dialog.

I am trapped in my own head, unable to break free, the tools that helped now, I fear, hurt. There is so much I want to say, and so little I can.

My muse needs ritalin

Don’t you hate when you have an idea for an entry and can’t find the song lyric you wanted?I have this House of Freaks song going through my head and I wanted to snip a bit of lyric for an entry that was just starting to form in my head, but I can’t find a page with HoF lyrics, anywhere. I need to dig out the fucking CD and of course it’s not HERE, it’s THERE.

Don’t you hate when you have an idea for an entry and can’t find the song lyric you wanted?

I have this House of Freaks song going through my head and I wanted to snip a bit of lyric for an entry that was just starting to form in my head, but I can’t find a page with HoF lyrics, anywhere. I need to dig out the fucking CD and of course it’s not HERE, it’s THERE.

So the entry evaporates as I distract myself with the research.

I do this a lot. I have some idea for some creative something that needs a bit of research, and I get so involved in the research that the fragile spark of creativity wanes. My muse, it seems has ADD and can’t sit still for long when I take my attention off of her.

My muse needs ritalin, methinks.

Why can’t I write a fucking blowjob?

You know, I can write a lot of things pretty easily…. I can write about cunnilingus, I can write a tender, loving, gentle scene full of love and caring.

You know, I can write a lot of things pretty easily. A sex scene, a fight, dialog. I can write about cunnilingus, I can write a tender, loving, gentle scene full of love and caring. I can write a violent non-consent scene.

You know, I don’t have much trouble with any of that.

But I can’t seem to write a fucking blowjob. I’ve been working on something for a week now, and I just can’t seen to get past one damned blowjob.

It’s a mystery, I tell ya.