Giant Head, Scourage of Network Cables

So the thing with mooching server space and bandwidth from friends is, there’s an upside and a downside. The upside is, I get all this free for nothing but love.

So the thing with mooching server space and bandwidth from friends is, there’s an upside and a downside.

The upside is, I get all this free for nothing but love. This blog, and several others I host, like Austin Ray.

The down side is, you get what you pay for. You pay in love, you get love back, but love ain’t reliability and support. No redundant network connection.

This means we have a certain level of vulnerability.

for example:

…the network line comes in to Junior’s room, but the hardware had
been hidden under his loft. Since we redid his room we have not yet
rebuilt the loft, so the hardware’s exposed to his giant head to
accidentally bump out of the wall.

Well. That there explains why we’ve been off line a lot the last couple days. Watch that head, Junior!

4 thoughts on “Giant Head, Scourage of Network Cables”

  1. Hi, I stumbled across your blog by way of Erosblog tonight and had a grand ol’ time. I just love how Austin folks are always so damn cool like that. (frat boy fucktards excluded)
    Anyway, I dig the kilt and will definatly be back around.

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