Hit It List

Ok, here’s my list of Celebrities I’d Fuck In no particular order (because, you know, how can you choose?), and off the top of my head (ten more will jump on this list in my head as soon as I click ‘publish’): Salma Hayek, Lindsay Lohan, Monica Bellucci, Cynthia Ettinger (Rita Sue on Carnivale), Alison […]

Ok, here’s my list of Celebrities I’d Fuck

In no particular order (because, you know, how can you choose?), and off the top of my head (ten more will jump on this list in my head as soon as I click ‘publish’):

Salma Hayek, Lindsay Lohan, Monica Bellucci, Cynthia Ettinger (Rita Sue on Carnivale), Alison Hannigan (This one time, in band camp. Need I say any more?), Chloe Sevigny, Christina Aguilera (I pretend to be sorry for this one), Heather Locklear (I’ve actually met her and you know, she’s still fucking yummy), Queen Latifah, Emily Browning, Keira Knightley.

Even though I can’t quite order them all, Hayek, Lohan and Browning are pretty much in a dead heat for first. Actually, why not all at once? Hmmm…

Your Turn, Kids!

(Yeah I know that’s eleven. I just remembered Keira. I love her…)

0 thoughts on “Hit It List”

  1. We overlap some. Although Lindsey Lohan AND Allison Hannigan is the same archetype twice, kind of like putting two Rolling Stones albums in your Top 10 Albums list.

    But Heather Locklear? She’s got no edge to her.

  2. My list will be forthcoming as soon as I’m done reverse-engineering this pile of workflow rules from code into decision tables. Sexy sexy!

  3. Ray, I told you. I met Heather. She smiled at me and introduced herself, and liked my tattoos.

    She made me love her a little. I’d do her any goddamned day.

    And Hannigan is not at all like Lohan. You ever see Evil Willow?

  4. OK, here’s my really twisted list:

    Kyle and Lane Carlson (the Abercrombie model twins)
    Wally Cleaver (Tony Dow) about age sixteen
    Prince Harry (no I didn’t mean William)
    Freddy Windsor (Harry’s cousin)
    Graham Norton
    Sam Elliott
    Alexander McQueen
    k.d. lang
    Mark Wahlberg
    Keith Haring

  5. Okay, after much thought, I have assembled the following list, in no particular order: Orlando Bloom, Sandra Bullock, John Cusack, Ed Norton, Queen Latifah, Jason Lewis, Owen Wilson, Ashley Judd, Lauren Ambrose, Will Smith. Pitt and Clooney I would like to give honorable mention to, but I thought hard about it (heh) and decided what I really wanted was to see them go at it with each other, so I left them off my Official Top 10.

  6. Lauren Ambrose — right there with you.

    Bullock — I always forget how I love her until I see her on screen.

    But I gotta question; Pitt/Clooney. Who’s pitching and who’s catching, in your mind’s eye?

  7. Clooney is pitching, all the way.

    I have to make a tough choice here… I love this girl, and she is soooo gorgeous it hurts, but I thought of someone I would fuck any place, any time, so I have to remove someone…

    I’m so sorry, Ashley, but I’m replacing you with Tim Roth. As Lisa would say, Uglysexy.

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