How the Scots keep clean

How the Scots keep things clean under the kilt: The WillyBrush.No, I have not tried one. I know better ways to keep the old weapon clean.

How the Scots keep things clean under the kilt:


The WillyBrush.

No, I have not tried one. I know better ways to keep the old weapon clean.

One thought on “How the Scots keep clean”

  1. Hee hee hee I was watching Graham Norton the other night and *THERE IT WAS*, the Willy Brush. Funny, Graham presented one to Alan Cumming, who was wearing a decent kilt (I think it was denim). I’m with you, man. You have got to be pretty damn fussy to want what amounts to a cockeyed (grin) shaving brush for your testiculatory ablutions.

    Hey! I also see that Utilikilts got a TON of press at the recent “Dress to Kilt” event in NYC. WOOWOO!

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