I Want It Now, Muthafucka

I am now officially in love with Nina Gordon.Nina Gordon, late of Veruca Salt, has recorded a mind-blowing cover of NWA’s Straight Outta Compton, in the style of a Baezesque guitar folksinger.

I am now officially in love with Nina Gordon.

Nina Gordon, late of Veruca Salt, has recorded a mind-blowing cover of NWA’s Straight Outta Compton, in the style of a Baezesque guitar folksinger. It’s funny at first, then it’s beautiful, then it’s both.
–Cory on BoingBoing

Get Nina’s Straight Outta Compton.

5 thoughts on “I Want It Now, Muthafucka”

  1. That song makes me touch myself. I want her to ride on top of me and say ‘muthafucka’ in between screaming my name.

    Sorry, was that my outside voice?

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