Life Beyond IM

I decided to try something new at work today. Not turning on any IM client. I know. Radical. Weird. Crazy Talk. But I’m just that livin’ on the edge kinda guy. I just had this insane idea that maybe, just possibly I’d get some work done.

I decided to try something new at work today.

Not turning on any IM client.

I know. Radical. Weird. Crazy Talk. But I’m just that livin’ on the edge kinda guy.

I just had this insane idea that maybe, just possibly I’d get some work done.

20 thoughts on “Life Beyond IM”

  1. So you are pulling a disappearing act! Some people might actually have noticed. Well, ok. Hope that you got some work done, and yeah- I’ve done it once or twice, and might do it again as well! *Smiles at Mr. Invisible*

  2. You’re one of them folks that believe in coincidence theories and stuff. I’ve heard about you types, not thinking every movement we make has been preordained by The Old Bearded White Guy in the Sky.

    Ooh, I just scratched my cheek. I bet you say that TOBWGitS had nothing to do with that, huh?

    (Man, I’m getting loopy – maybe I’d better head home soon.)

  3. I don’t believe in magic
    I don’t believe in I-ching
    I don’t believe in Bible
    I don’t believe in Tarot
    I don’t believe in Hitler
    I don’t believe in Jesus
    I don’t believe in Kennedy
    I don’t believe in Buddha
    I don’t believe in Mantra
    I don’t believe in Gita
    I don’t believe in Yoga
    I don’t believe in Kings
    I don’t believe in Elvis
    I don’t believe in Zimmerman
    I don’t believe in Beatles
    I just believe in me…and that reality

  4. Cool. I like that. The italics lead me to believe they’re lyrics – what from?

    (I don’t really believe in TOBWGitS, at least not as such, as I do believe in a higher power of some sort. However, I also don’t think that “fate” – for want of a better term – and coincidences are mutually exclusive. Neither do I believe that Everybody Else is Wrong. As full of myself as I can be, even I’m not that much of an egotist.)

  5. Hiromi, see god, above, for the answer: The God Delusion. Which is pretty fuckin’ awesome so far, thojugh I’m only 1/3 in.

    If I were brilliant, british, and a renowned scientist, it’s a book I’d be proud to have written.

    Tells it like it is, that Dawkins: “I am against religion because it teaches us to be satisfied with not understanding the world.

  6. I dunno about this forgiveness, Karl.

    Let us not forget that we’d never have seen Yoko naked without her having married John.

    I wasn’t even born yet, and I still shuddered.

  7. Nonsense. It’s an important point. Whether it’s “Yoko” or another name, the point is he believed in love, not just himself. Which is really quite lovely.

    And anyway, NOTHING wrong with Yoko Ono.

    And don’t say no, I’m wrong, because yes is the answer, Karl Elvis, and you know that, for sho’.

  8. Oh, heh heh, well, I’m too lazy to actually read links. That suspiciously resembles work. I like to ask and get an answer.

    I saw Richard Dawkins speak at Rice U. He’s great. Being British somehow makes being caustic okay. In fact, that combination, along with intelligence, makes me pretty hot in the pants.

    What the hell’s wrong with Yoko Ono?

  9. Yeah, Lennon pretty much rocks. I have no opnion about Yoko.

    (I could have looked up the lyrics myself, but I was being kinda lazy at that moment.)

    I’d like to read The God Delusion – it sounds pretty interesting. I’m one of those folks that separate spirituality and religion. I’m big into spirituality, but I am not a fan of religion. Too much dogma. I do not like dogma (though I do like Dogma). I also have a pretty big skeptical streak, oddly enough.

  10. Ah that’s where you’re wrong, DN. IM demands real-time attention.

    CE, I’ll post a review of God Delusion when i’m done; i’m very VERY anti-religeon so Dawkins is speakin’ to me all the way.

    And a skeptical streak is absolutely essential for true rational thought.

  11. Mail demands real attention too! I think you need to go look for a Pirate costume online, and let that suck up more attention and go to the Pleasure Zone party. I’m looking for a Devil costume. SF can throw some wild parties. Course it’s couples only- and I have my date. So who’s going with Karl?

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