New Toys for Big Kids

So, I have this iSight web cam. And I never use it, even though, you know, you’d think I would. But I just download a new application that’s simply too much fun – PhotoBooth. I’ve been playing with this all day, when I should be working on my stupid self-assessment for my stupid review. But […]

So, I have this iSight web cam. And I never use it, even though, you know, you’d think I would.

But I just download a new application that’s simply too much fun – PhotoBooth.

I’ve been playing with this all day, when I should be working on my stupid self-assessment for my stupid review. But this is far, far more entertaining. It has a set of funhouse-mirror sort of effects that are just fucked up.

Click the images to get full-sized versions. If you dare.

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Wow. I’m thinking of some other photos I can take with this. Whirly-style.

8 thoughts on “New Toys for Big Kids”

  1. Heh…when I read the first line of your post, I was gonna say “If ya don’t want the iSight, I’ll give it a good home!”, but then I figured “Aw, heck…I’ll just deal with the second-hand iBot I have and go download the software.”

    And then I see that it requires 10.4…

    Damnit! I just can’t win today! 🙂

    Cool pics, regardless!

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