Greta Lee Ray: 10/19/28 – 11/9/2008

Greta Lee Ray



Greta died painlessly on November ninth, 2008. Her lungs, damaged by a lifetime of smoking, gave up slowly over the last two months of her life. When she was admitted to the hospital, it rapidly became obvious that healing her was beyond the reach of medical science. Her family respected her desire to die without pain or fuss, and took her off a ventilator, dialing up a morphine drip until she she drifted away. Her heart gave up ten hours later and she slipped away silently.

The birth date above should have said ’19 or 20′. Because Greta had to tell a story whenever asked a question.

She was born on one of the above dates. For whatever reason, the other was listed on her birth certificate. Maybe because she was born just before or just after midnight, or maybe because the nurses in Long Beach hospital made a clerical error. But for whatever reason, when asked when she was born, she never once simply replied with one or the other, but gave both and explained why.

That, in a nutshell, is who my mother was. No one thing in her world was black and white. Nothing was simple. And every word in the english language was something to be played with and puzzled over.

She had a brilliant, self-educated literary mind; she lived and breathed books, working most of her career in book stores and libraries. She was a poet (though she dismissed her work as ‘doggerel’), a gifted editor, and in truth, was at least half responsible for my father’s success in academia. She edited every single paper he ever wrote, and should be considered the coauthor of his master’s thesis and his dissertation.

She was playing word games on the vary last day of her life; she couldn’t stop, even in distress. When asked to rate her pain on a scale of ten, every single time, she insisted on dissecting the meaning of the question instead of answering it.

She never, ever stopped talking. Just using an asthma inhaler was painful for her, because it meant she had to shut up for two minutes.

What linguistic gifts I have, I credit largely to her; both the genetic gifts, and the environment in which I was raised. Language was the lifeblood of our family.

Greta cared passionately about popular music. She listened to jazz in the thirties and fourties, and in the sixties, was a beatles fan when the beatles were still new. In the seventies, she took her teenage childern to rock concerts because she wanted to see bands like genesis and jethro tull, not because we needed a parent. She continued to listen to new pop music up until her last few weeks of life; her collection contained everything from funk to punk to gamelan to classical to pro rock. She smoked pot and drank beer with us at rock concerts, never drawing a parent/child line once we were able to express ourselves as adults. Last week my cousin went to the Bridge concert in san francisco, and held up her phone so my mother could hear Neil Young, perhaps her all time favorite musician, play part of his set.

She was a socialist, a radical; she marched for farm workers rights, she registered, voted, and campaigned for the peace and freedom party. She raised her children to question – and to disrespect – authority, and and vocally stand up for what they believed in. That she lived to see a black man as president meant more to her than she was able to express; ‘we won’, she said to me, while we watched post-epection coverage in her hospital room.

Greta lived with mental illness her entire life, though I doubt she’d have called it that. She described herself as fucked up. But depression and madness was thick in her family tree. She had one of the fiercest, most violent tempers I’ve ever seen, and until I was an adult, I never realized how physically small she was; her personality was enormous. She felt, though, that every interaction she ever had with people outside her tiny circle of intimates was a put-on, a performance. She felt there was a persona she must keep up. She was still doing this her last days in the hospital, only letting it slip when in full panic, or when medicated nearly insensible. She suffered social and panic disorders; she described them as ‘agoraphobia’ and ‘manic depression’, but I think these were words she looked up in a book.

The great tragedy of Greta’s life, I think, is that she never had any idea she was brilliant. She tallied the things she felt she couldn’t do, added up failings, cataloged excuses for things she was afraid to do. She could have been a writer – she could have taught english or linguistics. With her aptitude for language and her abiding interest in the natural world, her love of animals and plants, she would have been an asset to zoos, museums, schools.

She should have made an impact on the world far beyond what she allowed herself; her legacy is one of wasted potential.

Yet, she was able to give some portion of this as both genetic and environmental gift. Her love of words, of literature, of nature, her love of music, all are passed on to me via both nature and nurture. I grew up with music playing, and books ever-present in my life. I grew up with playful use of language. And my daughters share those gifts, again both in their blood and in their environment.

Despite her fears, my mother lived a long, rich, full life. She traveled, cooked, gardened, hiked, swam in oceans. She mentored young writers and artists. She was the parent my teenage friends came to for help. She touched and infuriated people til her last lucid day.

My deepest regret is that, at the end, the fears loomed larger in her life than anything else, and she cut herself off from a young generation who would have loved her. My children know her only a little; my cousins children not at all. Her friends, like writer Lewis Buzbee, were never able to introduce their young children to the woman who made such a huge impact on their lives.

death watch

Tonight I took my mother off respiration and dialed her morphine up ’til she went out. She roused a few times. Once she asked if it was ok to pee right there in her diaper. Another time she asked for water, and then said, sleepily, that she was happy, floating away on the earth. The […]

Tonight I took my mother off respiration and dialed her morphine up ’til she went out.

She roused a few times. Once she asked if it was ok to pee right there in her diaper. Another time she asked for water, and then said, sleepily, that she was happy, floating away on the earth.

The last thing she said – at least the last words I understood – was that she knew it would be over soon, and that she was trying to be brave. Somehow she knew the struggle was just about at an end.

Barb and my cousins Sam and Amy were there as she sank slowly; the girls made a beer run and toasted my mother with coronas, and we talked about childhood and death, about my aunt Penny’s departure, a dozen years gone.

We didn’t make it til the end. The girls left around two, and I watched mom draw one slow, shallow, labored breath after another. And I thought about how many hours it could take for her heart to die.

I said goodbye before she was gone, and walked out.

I have not yet been able to cry. That will come when I know it’s over, or maybe before. But I have no slightest doubt that what made her her is gone. Most of it had left her over the last week; the rest was just the body not giving up ’til it was certain it was no longer needed.

She made it very, very clear that this was what she wanted; the great gift tonight was that her doctor understood that. He understood the futility of treating a patient who was ready to go, the futility of prolonging a life that was over. So the choice was effortless.

There’s been a weight of responsibility on my shoulders for years; it has not quite lifted yet, but I feel it already lighter.


This is starting to feel like a death watch. My mother is getting moved up to an intensive care unit. Her breathing is declining; co2 is building up in her blood. They’re putting her on a cpap machine, but odds are she won’t tolerate it well (anxiety). The next step is a ventilator, and obviously, […]

This is starting to feel like a death watch.

My mother is getting moved up to an intensive care unit. Her breathing is declining; co2 is building up in her blood. They’re putting her on a cpap machine, but odds are she won’t tolerate it well (anxiety).

The next step is a ventilator, and obviously, once she’s on a ventilator, the odds that she’ll never come off go up.

A week ago doctors were telling me there’s nothing medically wrong with her; I’m wondering how they looked at a woman close to respiratory failure and came up with that.

The truth is that none of this surprises me. I knew a month ago that the curtain was drawing closed for her. She knew it too, on some level, when she started to say she couldn’t go on. I only wish there was a way to avoid all this, and ease her off now. Because they’re not going to save her; they’re only going to prolong pain. If she leaves the hospital in a week, she’ll be back in it in a mont or two, and meantime, she’ll gasp every damned breath and fear every waking moment.

I’m ok. Calmer than I felt a week ago. Death, I can handle; it’s the problem I can’t solve that troubles me. Now, for the first time in a month, I feel like I’ve done what I can do and the problem, one way or another, is going to take care of itself. And then I can get on with the business of mourning.

update on my mother

I tried to post this update from work a couple of days ago and wasn’t able to finish. And of course there it sits on my work computer, which for some reason I’m not able to get into. So again from scratch. I’ve posted fragments about my mother’s decline. In short, she’s 80, has severe […]

I tried to post this update from work a couple of days ago and wasn’t able to finish. And of course there it sits on my work computer, which for some reason I’m not able to get into.

So again from scratch.

I’ve posted fragments about my mother’s decline. In short, she’s 80, has severe emphysema from a lifetime of smoking (she stopped ten years ago but the harm was done), and is showing signs of dementia (memory loss, confusion, anxiety).

This was a slow steady decline until about the last month, when it suddenly changed. Over two weeks she went from grouchy and forgetful to completely unable to cope, so paralyzed by anxiety and so forgetful she can no longer even use her asthma inhalers.

It became clear her time living by herself was over; but we have no options there (my house is small, with no room for mom, let alone mom + nurse), and her house is in such a state of sorry disrepair that no nurse would be willing to come in. So a nursing home is the only reasonable option, at least for the short term

Of course there’s no coverage for that. She owns a home, has some investemnt income, and a pension. She has full health from Kaiser but care-taking isn’t covered.

Meanwhile, we were advised to get her in for testing so the nursing homes would know what they were getting.

Last week, they did a CAT scan (which was actually really cool, I got to see brain), took blood, and did some other testing. This week, when we went in for the results, her doctor finally decided to practice medicine, rather than business, and admit her. The excuse was blood chemistry (her long time habit of eating low sodium foods and drinking a lot of water turned against her when her over-all food intake went to near zero; her blood sodium level was dangerously low).

So monday, with Mom screaming and begging, I admitted her to the hospital.

We expect this to be just one night; but surprisingly, there is room for compassion in the Kaiser system after all, though it’s buried deep. The doctor who has her case knew he had a case that was MUCH worse than mom’s regular doctor recognized. The CAT scan shows what looks like a series of very small strokes, worsened by the terrible state of her veins from years of emphysema. Her legs are so poorly supplied with blood that it’s amazing she still has feet. And of course the sodium problem isn’t responding. It’s also, finally, clear to Kaiser that my mother is profoundly mentally ill, depressed, anxious to the point of incoherence, and completely confused. So instead of booting her after one token night, they’re keeping her for a bit, looking for anything they can do to help, and, for the first time in her life, putting her on the right meds to control her depression and anxiety.

My mother is a brilliant woman, with a genius level IQ. But one of her greatest gifts is in her ability to fool people. She’s done it for years, convincing doctors she’s fine. But she couldn’t do it any more, finally snapping, in a constant state of fear and anger with anyone she deals with at Kaiser.

I sat with her last night for several hours while she alternately dozed and then woke, convinced she was at home, or that she had to do something. I reminded her every fifteen minutes that she was in the hospital and that nurses were there, she wasn’t all alone.

This morning (Thursday), I’m waiting to hear if she’s being released, or if they’re keeping her another day; I pray for another day. The stress and lack of sleep caught up with me monday night, and I have a horrible cold, and am at low ebb with my coping skills. So if I have to get my mother out of kaiser today and move her to a nursing home, the word ‘ordeal’ doesn’t describe it. She does not yet know about the nursing home, though on some level she’s aware (in between thinking she’s home, she will say ‘i’m never going home, am i’). But I do not look forward to the conversation where I tell her she’s leaving one hospital and going to another.

I’ve been very clear with the doctors; all I want for her now is as little pain and as much comfort as possible. DNR, do not take any special efforts to prolong her life. She has nothing to look forward to other than decline. They understand, but sadly, there’s no solution for a woman whose brain is dying, but whose body fights on. So comfort is our singular goal.

a dark age nears its end

America’s fraud-in-chief is finally gone, eight years after he stole a presidency he never won. Eight years too late, with a legacy of death, tragedy, hatred, and economic ruin, we walks away a free man. History will remember him – because we must not be tempted to forget – as one of the worst disasters […]

America’s fraud-in-chief is finally gone, eight years after he stole a presidency he never won. Eight years too late, with a legacy of death, tragedy, hatred, and economic ruin, we walks away a free man.

History will remember him – because we must not be tempted to forget – as one of the worst disasters every to attach itself, parasite-like, to the white house.

History will remember a stolen and fraudulent election, a series of disasters (natural and man-made) ill-handled, and willfully squandered goodwill. It will remember cronyism, wars fought over nothing, thousands of lives lost for nothing, and billions squandered and wasted. History will remember a death toll, a cost of billions, and and a smoking ruin of an economy.

Were the universe a fair place, we would now jail him for his crimes, and then he would look forward to a burning hell for the next thousand years.

Osama Bin Laden’s death toll pales before that of George W Bush; who’s the better extremist now? Who wins? Osama lives in caves and hides. Our outgoing president will carry an honorific and a pension and the titular respect of a nation. Yet he’s done more damage to freedom and world peace than a dozen bin ladens could hope for, and he’s done it in plain sight.

But I do not believe in a fair universe. I see one random and capricious, un-caring and utterly un-interested in tiny human inventions like good and evil.

The deserved punishment, then, can only be in how we remember. Because history is written by the winners, and the last four years of american history is an epic, resounding FAIL.

I hold hope, however.

I am not Barack Obama’s greatest fan; we have profound philosophical differences. But he has the makings of a good president. He carries with him a kenedy-esque fervor and charm, much as Bill Clinton did sixteen years ago. Yet he lacks Clinton’s smugness, and, if we can believe what we see, he also lacks Clinton’s weakness as a leader.

The jury is far, far out on Barack Obama. He is un-tested, un-tried. Yet I cannot recall a man I’ve seen take office, since I first became aware of politics in 1972, about whom I’ve felt a greater sense of hope. He has an advantage no one since Ford has had; that is, following a leader universally reviled. But unlike Ford, who fell into leadership, Obama was chosen by a significant majority.

Certainly, many of those votes were not for, but against. They were cast against McCain’s loose-cannot Behavior, his age, his anger, his obvious failure to understand the profound failure of the last eight years. And many more cast a vote against Sarah Palin, who single-handedly set women in politics back a decade or more. Those votes were not cast for a dynamic young black man, they were cast against a creepy old white one. So the landslide we saw cannot be credited entirely to Barack’s dynamic speaking and appearance of leadership.

Still – he looks, already, the very image of a world leader.

He’s earned an unenviable job; much like whomever is hired to coach for a disasterous team like the oakland raiders, he may have a swamp too deep to drain in the years he’ll be given.

Personally though, in a month of absolute misery, this one thing feels like hope.

First, the truth of the last eight years needs to be written down. Not the populist lies, as became Reagan’s legacy, but the hard, brutal, un-varnished truth. Katrina’s wake, filled with talk, but not action or money. 9/11, to which we responded by stealing civilil rights, alienating the world, and then marching forth under a crusader’s banner to take back the oil-laden holy land. A banking system in it’s worst state since the great depression. And an election system, once trusted world-wide, now the subject of universal suspicion.

There are a hundred, a thousand more; some we know, some, certainly, only to be learned later if at all. But the hard truth needs to be set down now, while it’s fresh, and while we hold hope. Otherwise we risk the rosy polish of a political machine, leaving our children with a notion that the last eight years were some heroic stand against an imaginary them.

Our teenagers must be taught to think, to read, to act politically. I see their fervor on facebook and myspace; they’re flush with a battle won. But NOW is the time to instill memory of the battles lost. In four, or eight, or twelve years, they’ll be casting ballots, and they must learn now, that today’s world is entirely the result of ballots mis-cast in the recent past.

Vote No on Proposition 8

Get out and vote. Your voting stub is your bitching licenses; if you’re not making a move for change, you’re outside the process, and you got no business bitching about how it all comes out. I know I have readers outside the US; and sure this isn’t your fight. Still, your friends over here need […]


Get out and vote.

Your voting stub is your bitching licenses; if you’re not making a move for change, you’re outside the process, and you got no business bitching about how it all comes out.

I know I have readers outside the US; and sure this isn’t your fight. Still, your friends over here need to vote to make a difference, so tell THEM. Today we can take down the most toxic and corrupt administration ever to squat in the white house, and make a profound change for intellectualism and reason over fear and evil.

My personal stand is at California’s Prop 8, which does nothing less than amending the california constitution to facilitate bigotry. It’s a profoundly wrong thing, and is a step back twenty or thirty years in terms of cilvil rights. Yet ordinary citizens have been fed lies and believe they’re protecting something that’s in danger.

No Kobayashi Maru

Today in a school conference for my older daughter, one of her teachers said ‘she seems a little stressed’. This stands out, because more typically, teachers say things like ‘I wish I had a a whole class like her’. I explained to the teacher a bit about the current events regarding my mother The fact […]

Today in a school conference for my older daughter, one of her teachers said ‘she seems a little stressed’. This stands out, because more typically, teachers say things like ‘I wish I had a a whole class like her’. I explained to the teacher a bit about the current events regarding my mother

The fact that my daughter is stressed is neither news, nor unexpected. But saying it out loud to a stranger made me think about exactly how much stress this really is.

Things have not gone well in the last few weeks. I’d hoped mom would improve, once she began to get regular care. Once she knew we’d be around daily; once she had a nurse to tend her wounds, medication for pain and anxiety, i figured, she’d begin to feel better.

Mother’s never been long on coping skills; memories of this flood back. Now, suddenly, I remember her complaints about clothing that didn’t fit like she liked, or shoes that were too hot, too tight, too lose. I remembered driving back 300 miles on a family vacation because she’d left the only pair of sunglasses she could tolerate in an egghouse in jackson hole, wyoming.

These scenes were so ubiquitous in my childhood that I hadn’t even considered them in decades.

Yet now, I see what I saw as a child; panic, fussiness, intolerance of any discomfort or frustration or insecurity. I remember now seeing my mother react in screaming agony or howling rane to things I wouldn’t even break stride for.

All of it comes back, now that her limited coping skills are eroded to nothing. With her short term memory almost completely gone, anxiety engulfs her, and every discomfort, every question, every task, leaves her shaking and gasping. She’s alternating between rage and terror, with no clear idea of what’s she afraid of.

And I watch in mute frustration.

I’m ill-equipped for the unsolvable problem. I always describe this – revealing the depth of my geekiness – with a star trek reference. Kobayashi Maru – the no-win scenario. In Wrath of Khan, Kirk refers to having hacked the test in order to provide a ‘win’ scenario for a test that was supposed to have no solution, stating that he ‘didn’t believe in the no-win scenario’. That’s me. Down deep inside, I’m absolutely certain there’s a fix to every problem, given enough cleverness, enough resource, enough refusal to accept defeat. Things that can’t be beaten or out-thought or hacked fall far outside my frame of reference.

Thus, old age and mental illness mock my inability to solve them. Rage does no good; negotiation is useless. Even brute, cave-man force does nothing but worsen a tragic situation.

I lost my temper with my mother last weekend. Even knowing she’s physically helpless, slipping into madness, and utterly miserable, she exceeded my tolerance when she decided a bandage was causing the wound under it. She’d taken off her bandage, and told me proudly that she was going to call the nurses and tell them they couldn’t come and hurt her any more.

I yelled at her. And she yelled back, screaming that I don’t understand, that I don’t know what’s wrong. I wound up in tears, and she looked at me in confusion, not sure why I was mad at her or why I was wiping tears out of my eyes.

I am utterly powerless to help her; and every call I make to her doctor, her social worker, her nurse, leads to another goose chase that eats the hours of my day.

The stress is getting to me. Because I can’t move anything along. The hope of her improvement seems to have been in vain; yet to her doctors feel she’s getting better because the wounds on her leg are closing.

Because they gave her prozac for her depression and codeine for her pain, they feel the fatigue and anxiety are solved. Never mind that she refuses to take her meds out of terror they’ll exacerbate her confusion. Never mind that she’s coming apart mentally and physically. Never mind all the other things that might be wrong with her, given that she hasn’t been to a doctor in years.

And so I’m left to manage nursing care for a patient who won’t follow orders, by an agency that only wants to shovel her into the grave as soon as they can so they can close out a file without any more cost.

Twelve or thirteen years ago, my brother died. And I didn’t morn his passing; he’d checked out, mentally and physically, years before. I’d said my goodbye to him already; his death brought closure and relief. I did not expect to experience that again in my life; and yet here I sit. My mother is in a state of crushing misery, a trap of fear and pain she can’t escape, and I have no tools to ease her pain, no comforting words for someone who can’t remember what anyone said to her five minutes before. And all I can wish for today is that she slips quietly away in her sleep, saving further pain.

Today, we spoke to a nurse – finally someone who seems to recognize the severity and tragedy of the situation. For the fist time, someone from Kaiser agreed that she needed real care, something more that ‘two aspirin and call me in the morning’. Perhaps her experience in hospice nursing will carry weight that my ‘inexpert’ opinions don’t, and they’ll take some action to provide the care she’s entitled to as part of my father’s pension. My fingers are crossed, yet my expectations are very low; Kaiser cares about it’s patients the way a slaughter house cares about it’s product.

And what I can do now, is simply try to manage my own stress, and that of my family. My children have seen too much death and pain in the last two years; this will make the third relative down this path in that time. My job as parent is to tend them, giving what I can’t give to my own mother. And that one thing helps my state more than anything else I can do.

the last shared parent

I had a long conversation today, with Sam (my surrogate cousin, my imaginary first love, the girl my brother and I used to fight over). I had to tell her, in far too few words and in a conversation broken by lousy cell signals and interrupted by teenage children, about the looming loss of the […]

I had a long conversation today, with Sam (my surrogate cousin, my imaginary first love, the girl my brother and I used to fight over).

I had to tell her, in far too few words and in a conversation broken by lousy cell signals and interrupted by teenage children, about the looming loss of the last of our parents.

Sam and I are not related by blood; her mother Penny was my mother’s best friend. I have very little in the way of true blood family; we’re some odd California branch of a family tree with roots in North Carolina, Texas, Oklahoma and New Mexico. I had no idea what aunt or cousin meant growing up, because Penny and her daughters were closer, physically and emotionally, than any blood relation. They were my best friends, and meant as much to me as my own brother did.

We lost Penny to cancer fifteen years or so ago; I can’t recall the date because, for reasons too stupid and painful to address at the moment, I learned of her death and funeral months after she died.

Not so long after – twelve years ago, give or take – my father was taken down by a heart attack, and then my brother that same year, by his own hand.

My mother’s the last of our shared parents.

My mother’s decline has been steady. Born in the late twenties and a child of the era between the world wars, she took up smoking early, and kept that habit for nearly seventy years. Only a diagnosis of emphysema stopped her, and to her credit, she stubbed out that last cigarette and never looked back at it. But anxiety was really the trouble. Because anxiety masked a condition far worse than she’d admit to, and worsened her already severe shortness of breath.

I do not know when she was diagnosed with it; she never told me. I learned of it only when I had to drive her to a doctor’s appointment. My mother, typically, had been denying her condition, refusing treatment, hiding her inhalers from me. Prescribed oxygen 24×7, she was using it ‘as needed’, which means only when she felt like it. And of course, she’d been lying to her doctor as well.

My mother, from the time she was a child, has felt that she must ‘keep up appearances’, as her mother taught her. Which means always pretending to authority, always showing a brave, funny, capable face. Yet, the other side of her is a devout counter-culturist; authority is something to be resented, to be defied. She taught me to break the rules without getting caught, taught me to defy and flaunt. And so, of course, she would present a front to me and to her doctor; to me, she denied any significant medical issue, and to the doctor, she’s say yes I’m using my oxygen and yes I’m doing the exercises and yes, I’m feeling pretty good.

But she wasn’t fine. And she wasn’t following what the doctor said. And she wasn’t telling me any of it.

It wasn’t until her emphysema took a drastic turn, a couple of years ago, that she finally needed help. And only when speaking directly to the doctor did I find exactly how my mother had been denying the severity of her condition.

Of course, when I tried to talk to my mother’s doctor about it, about mom’s life-long mental health issues, about her denial, about her crushing anxiety and panic attacks, the doctor brushed it aside. Never mind my insights as her son, never mind my obsessive medical research (i read medical and psychological diagnostic and treatment texts for fun); I was a fucking layman and my opinions carried all the weight and interest of an expulsion of gas.

My family, what I know of it, has a history of mental illness and addiction. My brother suffered for many years from an almost entirely imaginary condition; my maternal grandmother was both a severe alcoholic, and bi-polar. Her mother had some other ailment, the details of which I’ve never heard. So it’s no great surprise that my mother suffers an impressive stew of conditions. She’s always spoken of agoraphobia, though I frankly think it’s more skin to a social anxiety disorder. She also frequently shows signs of obsessive-compulsive behavior, and when she was younger, and uncontrollably violent temper. Anxiety and panic have been part of her life so long she doesn’t ever recognize them.

Of course there’s no mention of any of this in her Kaiser charts; she’s never sought any significant treatment for it. It’s news to my mother’s doctors that she has any anxiety at all, let alone my assertion that she’s been largely crippled by these conditions.

After we saw her doctor together, my mother accepted, with very little fight, that she needed to keep her oxygen on all the time. However, she also decided this meant she could no longer leave the house.


My mother managed to beat back her fears for most of her life. She worked, successfully, in libraries and book stores, eventually becoming a significantly respected children’s literature expert. She participated in running our school, went to rock concerts with us (because she loved the music, not because she felt we need any chaperoning). She was reasonable social and reasonably active most of her life. But when my brother’s demons slowly won their battle with his sanity, she seemed to give up, giving in to his, and to her own. When he became a shut-in, she first facilitated, and then validated is choices to hide from the world and resist psychiatric care. When my father died, se dedicated herself to the care and feeding of his madness, cutting the pair of them off from any help. She participated in his decline, and assisted in his suicide.

After my brother’s death, my mother gave up any significant relationship with the outside world. So when she put on the oxygen cannula, something that, to her, was some vast flashing beacon drawing the very attention she’d spent her life fearing, she closed and locked the the door between herself and the outside world.

For a time, I thought this was temporary. She’d been managing her life effectively, shopping, cooking, cleaning. It seemed reasonable to me that she would need a bit of time to adapt to living on oxygen, to carrying a tank to the market, to the logistics of an umbilical. I happily stepped into the role of care-giver, shopping for her, running errands, making sure her car stayed in working order. I worked with her on ways to rig her portable oxygen tank to minimize discomfort, explained why it worked differently than her home unit.

It would be temporary, I assumed. My mother, her entire life, has been fiercely independent. She has never asked for help; she’s never wanted care, never wanted attention when she felt ill. Like me, she wants to do it herself, and would rather be left alone than tended to. So of course i assumed she’d remain independent, not letting a trivial matter like a bottle and a tube daunt her.

Somehow, though, this one thing, this utterly insignificant thing, was her undoing. Every moment fearing she was being looked at, every imagined judgement, every side-long glance came together in a laser-focus on the clear tube up her nose. She would even take it off and hide it when I came over. It was as if the house of cards she felt she’d been building her entire life had suddenly crashed down. And she gave up, completely and permanently. Her life, the part outside that small, empty house, ended.

For several months, I’d come over weekly with groceries, each time suggesting that she come with me. After a time I figured I was enabling, figured she would get off her ass and do something when she needed milk. So I stopped coming weekly, and began to go less often, or come by late, saying I don’t have time to shop, but give me a list of anything urgent and I’ll bring that one thing back tomorrow. But she made no move to go, showed no willingness to move forward. I soon found she’d never even tried her portable oxygen; she refused it when I tried to get her to practice putting it on. She hated the sound it made (a demand valve, it makes a faint nose like a scuba regulator); she hated the way the case looked. She hated the strap, but refused a cart. She grew frantic at the un-balanced weight of it, even when lifting it.

It began to become clear she wasn’t going to go out. After a bit she asked me to get rid of her car because she didn’t want to worry about starting it any more.

On the other hand, she found ways, eventually, to be more self-sufficient. She ordered groceries on line, she shopped for things she needed by phone. Her pet store delivered cat food, her wild bird store delivered seed for the birds and squirrels she feeds obsessively.

This worked for a while. But she resisted any medical care of any kind, canceling any appointment she or I made, fighting with me over the mention, and panicing to the point of fainting the few times we went in. She would become combative with her doctors, insulting them and insulting me when I tried to help. And predictably, small things began to fail. She’s eighty years old; at that age, bolts start falling off the car.

Minor sores and wounds are non unusual with eighty year old skin. Aches and pains and difficulty sleeping are not a surprise. And my mother hates talking about these things. So we went along for months, me visiting every week or so, bringing fresh fruits, hot food, doing chores. And she’d complain about trivial things that hurt, and then change the subject when I said “let me look at that” or “let’s get to the doctor.” One of my great strengths is efficient, non-nonsense problem solving. But the flip side of this is that I don’t have very much sympathy for those who won’t take help, or who won’t take action to solve a problem. So if Mom bitched about her leg hurting, and then wouldn’t make or keep a doctor’s appointment, I shrugged and said, fine, then quit bitching if you won’t take action.

Trouble was, she was slowly sliding down hill. And I don’t have the patience, or the bandwidth, to monitor her condition if she wouldn’t admit it when I ask.

It wasn’t until the panic escalated that we got anywhere. And then, not very far, because, again, she would not follow a doctor’s instructions about care, and won’t keep a follow up appointment when its made. And so the condition has continued to grow worse, and my attempts to help have been rejected, or dismissed.

Mom’s pain, from sores on her legs, is now to the point of agony; her sleep has grown more disturbed. She became obsessed with the idea that she had diabetes (she doesn’t), and then that she had contagious infections (again, she doesn’t; the sores are from vascular disease caused by age, years of smoking, and general poor health). Her obsessive nature has gotten more and more focused on trivialities, her panic has grown worse, and her health, stable for some years, is now spiraling down.

I do not know if the decline in her mental state is the early phases of alzheimers, or if it’s simple age and prolonged lack of sleep. But her short term memory is nearly gone, and her confusion and anxiety seem worse each day. In the last three weeks, she’d begun to speak about ending things; though in truth I don’t think she’s serious. And if she is, I’m not sure she’s mentally or physically able; but her state of despair is profound.

And of course, Kaiser, her health care system – well, that story is saved for another time. To say they’re like a government agency does dis-service to government agencies. A profit-focused corporation, they make it painfully obvious that cost is the first and last thing considered in every medical choice, and that no medical order is carried out without business approval.

In short, though, this is the story I had to tell cousin today. Some of it’s old news; she’s helped as she can in caring for my mother (though she lives several hours away, and as a single mother of three, her bandwidth is limited). But she’s seen the decline over months. The story I told her today was tragic, and yet, both of us understood, the great tradgedy isn’t that my mother is old, and sick. The tragedies are that she has fought every step against help, and that the agency that gives lip service to care, cares only about cost, and not at all about the well-being and comfort of a confused, frightened, sick old woman.

Sam and I have both seen death. We’ve said goodbye to parents, and to a sibling (for she considered my brother to be nearly hers as well). She’s lost a mother to cancer. And when we talked today – the first conversation we’ve had in years – the un-spoken thought we shared was that we’re about to lose another one. And both of us know full well that all we want is to provide comfort and dignity, for the short time until that happens. Yet these things are in short supply, and we are powerless to provide either.

Sam and I have not kept in close enough touch these last few years. Our lives have gone off in parallel directions; careers, children, loves and losses and tragedies and joys. It’s been a long time since we shared a bed innocently as pre-teens, or hugged each other over some imagined adolescent misery, or played doctor, or slap and tickle in the swimming pool. Yet that was what I remembered after we talked today; the moments in my youth when she was, to me, the most beautiful girl i’d ever seen, the one woman I’d ever love. I remembered the sillieness of my crushes, and the rage when my brother would fight me for her attention. Those memories, good and bad, where of foolish youth and innocence. And what I wanted to was to go back, to before we had any reference for what pain or love or real life were and just play a game of killer or last touch, or to hike to the store up the hill from our cabin to buy ice-cube candies or peanut butter cups.

Hearing her voice, what I heard was childhood. And nothing ends childhood like becoming a parent to our own parents.

the above was written in one burst and not edited at all. I’d originally intended to re-work it later. *shrug* I didn’t.