For reasons unknown, out webserver was down last night and this morning. Sorry about that, folks. I’ll try to identify why.
For reasons unknown, out webserver was down last night and this morning.
Sorry about that, folks. I’ll try to identify why.
For reasons unknown, out webserver was down last night and this morning. Sorry about that, folks. I’ll try to identify why.
For reasons unknown, out webserver was down last night and this morning.
Sorry about that, folks. I’ll try to identify why.
You think the 911/pot brownies thing was all about *bad drugs? Think again. This fuckin’ thing is about bad drugs. [youtube] *when I say bad drugs, i of course mean good drugs. You know what i’m sayin.
You think the 911/pot brownies thing was all about *bad drugs?
Think again.
This fuckin’ thing is about bad drugs.
*when I say bad drugs, i of course mean good drugs. You know what i’m sayin.
Ok. It’s time. Go get your iPhone. I don’t get mine ’til late july (we get ours after you get yours – hell, I have the same philosophy in bed, so I can’t argue). And no, I can’t get you one, I can’t get me one, apart from the one-per-employee apple’s handing out as a […]
Ok. It’s time. Go get your iPhone.
I don’t get mine ’til late july (we get ours after you get yours – hell, I have the same philosophy in bed, so I can’t argue). And no, I can’t get you one, I can’t get me one, apart from the one-per-employee apple’s handing out as a thanks for the incredible amount of work we’ve all been doing on this project.
If you manage to score one, let me know what you think. I still ain’t actually seen one in person, for all the hours I’ve put into getting the chips and boards out.
One can add only three words to this. “What The Fuck” (I had to move this after the cut because for some reason it totally fucks my formatting in safari)
One can add only three words to this.
“What The Fuck”
(I had to move this after the cut because for some reason it totally fucks my formatting in safari)
Read more “what’s the score of the red wings game – i think we’re dying…”
Ok, i got tagged on this one (lifts shirt to show indecipherable spray-paint marking). I don’t usually respond to the tag kinda meme (nor dares neither), but a meme that came from susie bright, in which she tagged two of my very favorite girl-sex-bloggers (bitchy and chelsea) is simply hard to say no to. Or […]
Ok, i got tagged on this one (lifts shirt to show indecipherable spray-paint marking).
I don’t usually respond to the tag kinda meme (nor dares neither), but a meme that came from susie bright, in which she tagged two of my very favorite girl-sex-bloggers (bitchy and chelsea) is simply hard to say no to.
Or maybe it’s just that BJ and CG are both impossible to say no to.
In any case, here are the rules:
1. Post these rules before you present the facts.
2. Start with eight random facts/habits about yourself.
3. People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
4. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
5. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.
But the game seems to have taken on ‘6. …and then change the rules’.
So I’m gonna flip CG’s meme and give you seven true, and one not. See if you can pick the one.
1) My feet are different sizes; really different sizes. I care just barely wear a pair of shoes, and one’s always too big or two small.
2) I once got a blowjob from one of the bridemaids at a wedding, while her husband was inside drinking shots with my friends.
3) I have a half sister I didn’t know about until I was in my 20s. I kind of wish I’d met her without knowing who she was so – well, you can finish that story for yourself.
4) Despite the fact that I don’t smoke pot, I still own a bong that is made up of roughly eight feet of plexiglass tubing and five feet of rubber hose.
5) I’ve bought drinks for Todd Rundgren, talked about tropical fish with Tom Waits, and almost saw Heather Locklear get pantsed by her daughter.
6) I once fucked a teenage girl in a catholic church.
7) The first time I got high it was weed I’d stolen from my parents.
8) I have a hunk of cat claw embedded in my left cheek.
Have fun. I won’t tag anyone else but if you steal, steal well.
I just, finally got around to watching the second season of Rome (at least the first episode of it). I’d forgotten how brilliant this show is. Five, maybe ten minutes in, I was right back there, and by the end, I was Titus fuckin’ Pullo, savage, bloody, unbeaten, enemies at my feet. This show makes […]
I just, finally got around to watching the second season of Rome (at least the first episode of it).
I’d forgotten how brilliant this show is. Five, maybe ten minutes in, I was right back there, and by the end, I was Titus fuckin’ Pullo, savage, bloody, unbeaten, enemies at my feet.
This show makes me want to snarl and roar and swing a sword.
God dammit, where’s my slave girl, my wine skin, my blood-spattered tunic. I’m ready. Get me a goddamned time machine. This man isn’t just a character like I want to write; in my head, he’s the character I am. To steal a quote from an entirely different place, I had the rotten luck of being born in the wrong century.
I should have been a roman. I should have lived in a time when you were invited to an orgy, not a cocktail party. Where you wake up and send for a slave girl (“Go get that German slut from the kitchens, will you?”, as Atia says), where you can solve a problem by spilling blood. Fuck therapy, let’s try killing.
That world makes sense to me. Far, far more than does this one.
I can’t wait to delve further into this season; though as with Sopranos and Deadwood, I think I’ve resisted the watching because I don’t want it to end. Such things need, emotionally if not dramatically, to run off into the horizon. I do not want them finite, even if they’re better for ending before we’re ready.
Pullo can’t die. Ever. The curtain may fall on him, but he must remain, bloodied, but unbroken. Rome may fall, emperors may die by the knife or the sword, but Pullo needs to stand at the end. He’s just that kind of character.
Because when you’re at the end of your rope you should always play Spiritualized at maximum volume: [youtube] I’m not kidding now, maximum volume, until your brain bleeds. The odd thing about this video is that J spaceman is standing up and facing the audience. Normally he’s nowhere near this interactive.
Because when you’re at the end of your rope you should always play Spiritualized at maximum volume:
I’m not kidding now, maximum volume, until your brain bleeds.
The odd thing about this video is that J spaceman is standing up and facing the audience. Normally he’s nowhere near this interactive.
I’m havin’ a shitload a problems with persistent, cached routes, PLUS I accidently published one of my other blogs over this site (pilot error – bad cut-n-paste (which I just typo’d cunt-n-paste as usual). If yer havin’ a less than stellar experience here, well, I guess it’s that. Or just the usual less-than-stellar experience, but […]
I’m havin’ a shitload a problems with persistent, cached routes, PLUS I accidently published one of my other blogs over this site (pilot error – bad cut-n-paste (which I just typo’d cunt-n-paste as usual).
If yer havin’ a less than stellar experience here, well, I guess it’s that. Or just the usual less-than-stellar experience, but for that I can’t blame the stupid internet.
Its one of those funny things when you get a new one and it’s just like the old one. Like those weird people who get a new car and get the exact same car they had before (yeah I’m talking to you, Lisa). If you’re readin’ this it means you’re now on a shiny, fast […]
Its one of those funny things when you get a new one and it’s just like the old one. Like those weird people who get a new car and get the exact same car they had before (yeah I’m talking to you, Lisa).
If you’re readin’ this it means you’re now on a shiny, fast and new server. Basically, if you see a difference, it means I broke something.
Due to an unexpected schedule change, The Moronosphere and all it’s related blogs and domains will be moving to a new physical server this week. Not the best timing for me, personally but I live here by the good grace and generosity of my friend Brandon, and so I am grateful even if a bit […]
Due to an unexpected schedule change, The Moronosphere and all it’s related blogs and domains will be moving to a new physical server this week. Not the best timing for me, personally but I live here by the good grace and generosity of my friend Brandon, and so I am grateful even if a bit frazzled.
What all this means is that this site may unexpectedly vanish for a day or so while we change ip addresses; comments may cease to work while databases are moved.
If that happens, don’t worry; being a fly-by-night sort of operation, we’re flying-by-night (oh god stop me from quoting a rush song). Things should stabilize by next week, on bigger, better, faster hardware.