I spent last night trying to write; my family were out, and I was alone, and reasonably free of urgent must-do tasks after having worked most of the weekend. I had in mind a short piece of erotica, something inspired by a scene in an episode of The Shield (the phrase ‘take it‘ has a […]
I spent last night trying to write; my family were out, and I was alone, and reasonably free of urgent must-do tasks after having worked most of the weekend.
I had in mind a short piece of erotica, something inspired by a scene in an episode of The Shield (the phrase ‘take it‘ has a way of inspiring my erotoc imagination). I have characters in mind and the barest bones of a story.
Alas, I had a can’t-sit-still moment. I felt like I’d been pounding Pimp Juice all evening;Iwound up fidgeting and twitching, couldn’t stay in my chair long enough to actually keep my hands on my keyboard. Instead, I did laundry, washed dishes, and then finally managed to watch the season two opener of Torchwood (James Marsters snoggin’ John Barrowman; I mean, come ON, how can you not love this show a little?).
At least I got something started, though, so we’ll see. By boss is on vacation, and that used to be a good time to write, back when I had a little leeway to goof off; but who knows, maybe I’ll find a couple of hours this week for producing slacking.
In other news, my truck is due back somewhere around the end of the week. I miss it like a walrus misses his bucket. I’m drivin’ a tan mini-van right now, and I could not feel more out of place than I do in this vehicle. The only good thing about vans is that when the seats come out, there’re a great place for a mid-day shag, but who has time for a mid day shag anymore? Plus, I just put a better stereo with ipod integration in my truck, and I’m about to tear off my own ears from having to listen to the radio.
you made soda come out my nose.
Karl Elvis in a minivan.
The mind boggles.o_0
Writing. Good. So we’ll see something HOT before Jan right? That challenge you set yourself?
Minivan. Mid-day shag. *Giggles* Does that mean that you are listening to the radio and imagining time for such fantasies?