This is fucking brilliant. I dunno how much I’ve talked about comics but i grew up on a steady diet of sci-fi pulps and comics. And Jack Kirby, more than anyone else, defined my early comic-reading days (Well, that and Gilbert Shelton, but that’s spelled comix). My first comics ever were Kirby; an issue of […]
This is fucking brilliant.
I dunno how much I’ve talked about comics but i grew up on a steady diet of sci-fi pulps and comics. And Jack Kirby, more than anyone else, defined my early comic-reading days (Well, that and Gilbert Shelton, but that’s spelled comix). My first comics ever were Kirby; an issue of Nick Fury, agent of S.H.I.E.L.D was the first comic I read, and Kamadi was the first one I bought.
There’s a reason they call him King Kirby.
Anyway, I just found this on BoingBoing, and it rules – a collage of Kirby comic eyes.
That’s just a little sample, it’s way bigger than this (sample thumbnail courtesy of BB).
My first Kirby was also a kamandi. It was 1975, I was four, at the barbershop, and there was a Kamandi #29 in a small stack of comics. it was the issue where a tribe of gorillas worship and fight for the right to wear Superman’s costume. Utterly awesome.
My first Kirby was the StarChild from the 2001 comic that DC did back in the early 70’s…a late book for Jack, but it turned me on to a hell of a lot of his earlier stuff. Now I’m off to check out the BB article…