Tree to Firewood in only minutes

The tree butchers are here dismembering my fallen tree. A moment of silence. Plus chain-saws. (I can’t help it, whenever I think of a chain-saw I hear Ash’s voice saying “Tool Shed“) You know I’d gotten used to this monstrous fallen thing in my street. I kind of liked it. It gives my street corner […]

The tree butchers are here dismembering my fallen tree.

A moment of silence. Plus chain-saws.

(I can’t help it, whenever I think of a chain-saw I hear Ash’s voice saying “Tool Shed“)

You know I’d gotten used to this monstrous fallen thing in my street. I kind of liked it. It gives my street corner a primeval forest forest look. If you, you know, squint n’ shit. Maybe it’s more Prime Evil.

But anyway, it has to go, not least because it’s on my fence, which will need to be re-built, and because it’s half on a city street. And while my city may be your perfect corrupt, up-scale suburb, I’ll run outta bribe money way too soon to get the city to ignore this for long.

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Ok, now who’s goin’ into the wood chipper? I have a few candidates. It’s not the same without snow, though.

More tree removal pictures are over on flickr

8 thoughts on “Tree to Firewood in only minutes”

  1. Damn! That was some tree. Did you save anything of it? A section of trunk looks like it would’ve made a great table.

    I remember when Dutch Elm disease hit my grandmother’s neighborhood and one by one they cut all her trees down. It was hard to get used to.

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